
MA Childhood Studies

Wellington boots
Institution code: S82
UCAS code: N/A
Start date: September 2025
Duration: One year full-time Two or three years part-time
Location: Ipswich
Typical Offer: An Undergraduate degree with a minimum classification of 2:2. An appropriate work placement may be required.
Institution code: S82
UCAS code: N/A
Start date: September 2025
Duration: One year full-time Two or three years part-time
Location: Ipswich
Typical Offer: An Undergraduate degree with a minimum classification of 2:2. An appropriate work placement may be required.


The MA Childhood Studies course will equip you with critical understanding of childhood and childhoods underpinned by international policy, theory and current research. If you are interested in a leadership position creating inclusive services for children and families, transforming practice and policy, and empowering voices of children, this course is for you. University of Suffolk has a thirty-year tradition in providing childhood-related courses. The long-standing expertise is continuously being strengthened by a growing team of academics engaged in learning and teaching on the course as well as internationally recognised research in the area. 

MA Childhood Studies is proud to have strong links with the Suffolk County Council, local and international charities and organisations.  

The MA Childhood Studies is an interdisciplinary course with a strong emphasis in the social sciences, including perspectives drawn from sociology, history, English, social policy and anthropology. The course is informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) framework and is committed to a child-centred philosophy. Modules will reflect on the principles of protecting the rights and interests of children and young people, and the increasing importance of their participation in these discussions. This course explores the diversity of childhoods, from local issues to global trends, and puts a focus on the international conceptions of what a child is and how to advocate and support children. This curriculum is continually updated and developed to reflect the changing landscape of children's rights. 

MA Childhood Studies is a taught programme which takes an informed and critical approach to the academic study of childhood studies and is underpinned by a children’s rights approach. This programme would be of interest to undergraduates looking to progress to the postgraduate level and professionals interested in specialised or advanced study of childhood.  

This degree uses a flexible, blended approach, so face-to-face lectures, seminars, and tutorial support are complemented by online resources, interactive learning tools, and self-study materials. All modules are designed to offer students a shared learning experience with other students and module tutors while remaining flexible to demands of everyday life. Additionally, the course team incorporate a wide variety of assessment strategies, which may include formats such as essays and reports, critical reviews and commentaries, informed discussion and debate, analytical exercises, individual or group presentations, and project-based or work-experience reflections. In the final stages of your degree, you also have the opportunity to conduct a small-scale final project with the support and guidance of experienced supervisors who are experts in their field. All taught sessions take place at our main campus in Ipswich and online materials are made available through the online learning environment, Brightspace.  

Course Aims 

  • To offer an innovative, dynamic and flexible programme that critically considers developments in the academic study of childhood and the changing contexts of childhood in a globalised world.
  • To critically explore the cultural and social constructions of childhood and the implications that they have had and continue to have on children's everyday lives.
  • To advance students’ knowledge of the complexity of understanding the relationship between children's rights, the ideologies and responsibilities for welfare and the lived realities of children's diverse experiences.
  • To provide a robust theoretical framework for students to develop an integrated and critically aware understanding of childhood studies and to cultivate a critical and analytical approach to contemporary methodological advances in childhood research.
  • To develop in students a range of intellectual skills reflecting both the ethos of lifelong learning and the rigour required at Masters level, a high level of student autonomy and self-direction in order to facilitate the student to demonstrate initiative, originality alongside integrity and ethical judgement in their advanced scholarship and to become influential and effective specialists in the field of childhood studies.

Taught modules run from September to May, and the summer is used for independent study and research. Taught, face-to-face sessions take place on at University of Suffolk main campus in Ipswich. Online sessions can be completed remotely through our online learning environment, Brightspace. To attain the full MA, you will need 180 credits, for the PgDip 120 credits, and for the PgCert 60 credits. 

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in the UK for Childhood & Youth Studies courses

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for Graduate Prospects in Childhood & Youth Studies

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Course Modules

Taught modules run from September to May, and the summer is used for independent study and research. Taught, face-to-face sessions take place on at University of Suffolk main campus in Ipswich. Online sessions can be completed remotely through our online learning environment, Brightspace. To attain the full MA, you will need 180 credits, for the PgDip 120 credits, and for the PgCert 60 credits. 

Downloadable information regarding all University of Suffolk courses, including Key Facts, Course Aims, Course Structure and Assessment, is available in the Definitive Course Record.

*This course is currently being revalidated as MA Education and Childhood with a 30-credit structure. The content of the course is not changing. Your module choices will remain available to you, and new optional modules will be added.

A child sitting and working in a classroom

This mandatory module acquaints students with the academic and interdisciplinary study of childhood. It asks students to grapple with the central question of how childhood is defined, how answers to that question have always been historically, culturally and geographically specific, and what the shifting construction of such answers might tell us. The module traces the evolution of ideas about the nature of childhood in the modern period and their consequences for the legal and political frameworks, social structures, cultural contexts and lived bodily experiences of children over the past century and a half. The module explores the origins of modern understandings of childhood and outlines how changing constructions of childhood have impacted on children’s lived realities, including key legislation and regulatory frameworks such as the UNCRC.  

This seminar-based module provides students with a critical understanding of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of childhood studies. The module examines the academic development of the interdisciplinary study of childhood and seeks to critically examine the key concepts and their use in conceptual understandings of children’s everyday lives. The module gets to the root of how we learn about childhood, what constructions and assumptions influence our understanding of childhood, and the implications of how this knowledge impacts practice.

This module is designed to provide a fundamental grounding in a range of appropriate research methods and research skills for postgraduate students, along with the opportunity to specialise in more advanced training in both quantitative and qualitative research, ethical frameworks and in the practical application of research techniques specific to students’ areas of study. The module will provide a solid foundation in methodological theories and paradigms; research ethics and an overview of the major research approaches, including quantitative and qualitative research.  

The Independent Project is designed to provide students with an opportunity to undertake a significant and substantial research and learning activity and to demonstrate the ability to work independently. Students use their critical and analytical skills to develop a dissertation in a relevant and appropriate topic supported empirically and theoretically through historical and current academic research. It provides students with an opportunity to carry out a comprehensive investigation on a topic of their choice and seeks to equip them with the skills of detailed project planning, design, analysis and critical valuationThe module aims to provide students with an opportunity to apply the in-depth knowledge of and understanding of child-centred approaches appropriate for undertaking ethical projects to investigate experiences of childhoodThe opportunity to explore and apply critical reflexive knowledge within the research context will also be evident.

Section 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008 places a duty on governing bodies to designate a member of staff (the designated teacher) as having the responsibility to promote  educational achievement of looked-after children, including those aged between 16 and 18 who are registered pupils at the school, and to ensure that the designated teacher undertakes appropriate training (section 20(2)). The 2017 Children and Social Work Act extends this duty to children with care experience. Furthermore, the Children and Families Act 2014 requires councils in England to appoint a Virtual School Head to discharge the local authority’s duty to promote the educational achievement of its children in care (CiC)This module has been developed in collaboration with the Suffolk Virtual School and would be appropriate for Designated Teachers and others working more broadly with children in care/looked after children. The module provides an opportunity to develop a critical, theoretical understanding of educational provisions for children with care experience 

This course explores the theories, issues, and debates associated with social justice, children’s rights and globalization. It aims to provide students with appropriate theoretical and analytical tools for analysing and understanding complex social situations, characterised by the necessity to mediate between different cultural perspectives. Students will analyse how current frameworks – including institutions, values, assumptions, and actions – affect the economic, political, and cultural structures shaping our lives. Social justice can be understood as a general process of creating sustainable communities of inclusion, diversity, and equity. At the most basic level, it recognizes that social justice projects can have global impacts even when they occur on the local level. Thus, we will investigate how decisions made locally may have global significance.  

This module is taught with partners from around the world; all partner institutions use a common syllabus, and all the students will discuss and share their ideas on a specific Internet site (NING). While exploring the course materials at University of Suffolk, we will be engaging in dialog with students in other institutions abroad who are also taking this course in their home institutions. 

Children’s literature is a vibrant and rapidly growing field of academic study encompassing a variety of genres and a wide range of child/adult concerns. With its own journals and critical literature, the field brings together scholarly perspectives from a diverse range of subjects and discipline backgrounds. On the module, students will be invited to explore a selection of children’s literature across the genre’s development, from the ‘golden age’ of nineteenth-century classics to contemporary examples from the twenty-first century. Students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of contextual issues and current debates in the field, analysing children’s stories using theories from literature, education, cultural studies, sociology and philosophy. The module focuses on the criticism and practice of writing prose for children in the areas of middle-grade (8-12 yrs) and young-adult fiction (12-18 yrs), enabling students to respond to scholarly debates and develop their own creative work in progress.  

This module explores the risks and dangers faced by children in the British world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and corresponding attempts to increase and extend child protection. Whilst the period witnessed the increased sentimentalisation of notions about childhood, it was also characterised by a number of dangers that posed particular risks to those below the age of majority, including empire, war, poverty, poor health, neglect and abuse. This module will consider how age shaped children’s exposure to the risks of the period, how the British state, voluntary organisations, families, carers and others responded to these challenges and the resulting framework of rights, welfare legislation and oversight that emerged. 

This module explores how culture represents and shapes children’s bodies, and also examines how embodied subjects are themselves able to act on and influence the culture in which they live. Within this module, students are encouraged to view the body as simultaneously biological and social, a site of structure and agency and as a location through which wider social processes, discourses and culture can be explored. Students will consider how the corporeal body is used to define childhood and how explanations of children’s bodies, previously considered within the context of normative biological development, are instead at the heart of a theoretical framework emphasising the social construction of childhood and the cultural and historical variability of meanings surrounding children’s bodies. Students will also be encouraged to explore the physical body as a site of agency, part of individual self-identity and subject to use as an expressive form.   

This module provides an opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the theories of expressive arts that underpin their practical application in supporting child development, learning and teaching, counselling, collaborative projects with families and communities and research. The role and function of creativity and creative arts in social-emotional development of children will be discussed, pointing out the importance of positive psychology and strengths-based approach in supporting mental health of children, encouraging participation and facilitating inclusion. Therapeutic effects of the arts and their main principles such as expression, reflection, projection, embodiment, play, externalisation and transformation will be explored.

Course Modules

Taught modules run from September to May, and the summer is used for independent study and research. Taught, face-to-face sessions take place on at University of Suffolk main campus in Ipswich. Online sessions can be completed remotely through our online learning environment, Brightspace. To attain the full MA, you will need 180 credits, for the PgDip 120 credits, and for the PgCert 60 credits. 

Downloadable information regarding all University of Suffolk courses, including Key Facts, Course Aims, Course Structure and Assessment, is available in the Definitive Course Record.

*This course is currently being revalidated as MA Education and Childhood with a 30-credit structure. The content of the course is not changing. Your module choices will remain available to you, and new optional modules will be added.

A child sitting and working in a classroom

This mandatory module acquaints students with the academic and interdisciplinary study of childhood. It asks students to grapple with the central question of how childhood is defined, how answers to that question have always been historically, culturally and geographically specific, and what the shifting construction of such answers might tell us. The module traces the evolution of ideas about the nature of childhood in the modern period and their consequences for the legal and political frameworks, social structures, cultural contexts and lived bodily experiences of children over the past century and a half. The module explores the origins of modern understandings of childhood and outlines how changing constructions of childhood have impacted on children’s lived realities, including key legislation and regulatory frameworks such as the UNCRC.  

This seminar-based module provides students with a critical understanding of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of childhood studies. The module examines the academic development of the interdisciplinary study of childhood and seeks to critically examine the key concepts and their use in conceptual understandings of children’s everyday lives. The module gets to the root of how we learn about childhood, what constructions and assumptions influence our understanding of childhood, and the implications of how this knowledge impacts practice.

This module is designed to provide a fundamental grounding in a range of appropriate research methods and research skills for postgraduate students, along with the opportunity to specialise in more advanced training in both quantitative and qualitative research, ethical frameworks and in the practical application of research techniques specific to students’ areas of study. The module will provide a solid foundation in methodological theories and paradigms; research ethics and an overview of the major research approaches, including quantitative and qualitative research.  

The Independent Project is designed to provide students with an opportunity to undertake a significant and substantial research and learning activity and to demonstrate the ability to work independently. Students use their critical and analytical skills to develop a dissertation in a relevant and appropriate topic supported empirically and theoretically through historical and current academic research. It provides students with an opportunity to carry out a comprehensive investigation on a topic of their choice and seeks to equip them with the skills of detailed project planning, design, analysis and critical valuationThe module aims to provide students with an opportunity to apply the in-depth knowledge of and understanding of child-centred approaches appropriate for undertaking ethical projects to investigate experiences of childhoodThe opportunity to explore and apply critical reflexive knowledge within the research context will also be evident.

Section 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008 places a duty on governing bodies to designate a member of staff (the designated teacher) as having the responsibility to promote  educational achievement of looked-after children, including those aged between 16 and 18 who are registered pupils at the school, and to ensure that the designated teacher undertakes appropriate training (section 20(2)). The 2017 Children and Social Work Act extends this duty to children with care experience. Furthermore, the Children and Families Act 2014 requires councils in England to appoint a Virtual School Head to discharge the local authority’s duty to promote the educational achievement of its children in care (CiC)This module has been developed in collaboration with the Suffolk Virtual School and would be appropriate for Designated Teachers and others working more broadly with children in care/looked after children. The module provides an opportunity to develop a critical, theoretical understanding of educational provisions for children with care experience 

This course explores the theories, issues, and debates associated with social justice, children’s rights and globalization. It aims to provide students with appropriate theoretical and analytical tools for analysing and understanding complex social situations, characterised by the necessity to mediate between different cultural perspectives. Students will analyse how current frameworks – including institutions, values, assumptions, and actions – affect the economic, political, and cultural structures shaping our lives. Social justice can be understood as a general process of creating sustainable communities of inclusion, diversity, and equity. At the most basic level, it recognizes that social justice projects can have global impacts even when they occur on the local level. Thus, we will investigate how decisions made locally may have global significance.  

This module is taught with partners from around the world; all partner institutions use a common syllabus, and all the students will discuss and share their ideas on a specific Internet site (NING). While exploring the course materials at University of Suffolk, we will be engaging in dialog with students in other institutions abroad who are also taking this course in their home institutions. 

Children’s literature is a vibrant and rapidly growing field of academic study encompassing a variety of genres and a wide range of child/adult concerns. With its own journals and critical literature, the field brings together scholarly perspectives from a diverse range of subjects and discipline backgrounds. On the module, students will be invited to explore a selection of children’s literature across the genre’s development, from the ‘golden age’ of nineteenth-century classics to contemporary examples from the twenty-first century. Students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of contextual issues and current debates in the field, analysing children’s stories using theories from literature, education, cultural studies, sociology and philosophy. The module focuses on the criticism and practice of writing prose for children in the areas of middle-grade (8-12 yrs) and young-adult fiction (12-18 yrs), enabling students to respond to scholarly debates and develop their own creative work in progress.  

This module explores the risks and dangers faced by children in the British world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and corresponding attempts to increase and extend child protection. Whilst the period witnessed the increased sentimentalisation of notions about childhood, it was also characterised by a number of dangers that posed particular risks to those below the age of majority, including empire, war, poverty, poor health, neglect and abuse. This module will consider how age shaped children’s exposure to the risks of the period, how the British state, voluntary organisations, families, carers and others responded to these challenges and the resulting framework of rights, welfare legislation and oversight that emerged. 

This module explores how culture represents and shapes children’s bodies, and also examines how embodied subjects are themselves able to act on and influence the culture in which they live. Within this module, students are encouraged to view the body as simultaneously biological and social, a site of structure and agency and as a location through which wider social processes, discourses and culture can be explored. Students will consider how the corporeal body is used to define childhood and how explanations of children’s bodies, previously considered within the context of normative biological development, are instead at the heart of a theoretical framework emphasising the social construction of childhood and the cultural and historical variability of meanings surrounding children’s bodies. Students will also be encouraged to explore the physical body as a site of agency, part of individual self-identity and subject to use as an expressive form.   

This module provides an opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the theories of expressive arts that underpin their practical application in supporting child development, learning and teaching, counselling, collaborative projects with families and communities and research. The role and function of creativity and creative arts in social-emotional development of children will be discussed, pointing out the importance of positive psychology and strengths-based approach in supporting mental health of children, encouraging participation and facilitating inclusion. Therapeutic effects of the arts and their main principles such as expression, reflection, projection, embodiment, play, externalisation and transformation will be explored.

Waterfront Building reflecting in the marina


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The ceiling in the Waterfront Building
Inside the Waterfront Building
Boats on the marina in front of the Waterfront Building
The Waterfront Building on Ipswich Marina
Bookshelves and step ladder
The Library
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Entry Requirements


Career Opportunities

The curriculum encourages students to develop their own interests and professional practice through the dynamic study of childhood. This postgraduate programme supplements an undergraduate degree and provides an advanced understanding of current, and challenging issues facing practitioners, including good practices for diversity and inclusion, trauma and risk, and social justice. In the current move towards evidence-based practices, the research skills gained through this degree will help to enhance your career prospects and give you the leading edge on current practice.  

A postgraduate degree can help you advance to work on an international level for governmental agencies, charities and public bodies or to take up a leadership position within your current workplace. A postgraduate degree also gives you advanced knowledge and skills needed for further study, such as a PhD or other advanced training programmes, including counselling and social work. 

Whether you want develop niche expertise or refine analytical or research skills, this course will give you the ability to demonstrate self-direction, autonomy, and it will provide an up-to-date, in-depth knowledge of social policies affecting children and families. 

Your Course Team

Dr Ivana Lessner Listiakova

Ivana is an Associate Professor in Childhood and Education.

Ivana Lessner Listiakova staff profile photo

Dr Cristian Dogaru

Dr Dogaru is the course leader for MRes Social Sciences and Humanities. He is a paediatrician-turned-social scientist with 20 years of experience in his field.

Cristian Dogaru staff profile photo

Dr Pallawi Sinha

Pallawi is Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies and is passionate about building dialogue and understanding on education and childhoods.

Pallawi Sinha profile photo on yellow background

Dr Louise Carter

Louise is a Lecturer in History, whose interests include gender in Georgian society, early-modern witch hunts and the impact of war on childhood.

Louise Carter staff profile photo

Maureen Haaker

Maureen's research centres on constructions of the body, reproductive politics, and subjectivity.

Maureen Haaker staff profile photo

Dr Shamser Sinha

Shamser's research and teaching interests circle around; ‘race’ and racism; youth; and different ways of doing ethnography.

Shamser Sinha staff profile photo

Dr Lindsey Scott

Lindsey is Course Leader for MA Creative and Critical Writing and award-winning lecturer specialising in children’s literature and adaptation.

Lindsey Scott profile photo on yellow background

Fees and Funding

UK Full-time Tuition Fee


per year
UK Part-time Tuition Fee


per 30 credit module
International Full-time Tuition Fee


per year

*Please contact Student Centre for further information on part-time fees

Further Information

Postgraduate Loans are available for this course, we also offer University of Suffolk Alumni a 25% reduction on fees, find out more below.

Postgraduate Funding Alumni Loyalty Scheme International Students

How to apply

Applying for a postgraduate programme is simple, you can apply using the link below. You can also find out more about what to include on your application and how to contact us for support during the process on the Postgraduate Study link.

Apply Now Postgraduate Study
Close-up of a student writing

Grace Toombs, MA Childhood Studies

"Completing my Masters has also allowed me to consider my future career prospects a bit deeper, without rushing into a career that I was not completely sure about."

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Students celebrating with glasses of champagne

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