Dr Pallawi Sinha
Lecturer in Childhood Studies
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- +44 (0)1473 338258
- p.sinha@uos.ac.uk
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- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Pallawi Sinha ORCID
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Dr Pallawi Sinha is a Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies. Pallawi is passionate about building dialogue and understanding on education and childhoods, particularly in indigenous, disadvantaged and marginalised contexts; ‘other’ epistemologies; difference; ecologies of learning; the ethics and politics of research and education; decolonising thinking and practice; and future-making education towards sustainable futures. Her career commenced as a product designer creating public spaces, lighting, ceramics, home and craft products, and precious and fashion jewellery. It shaped Pallawi’s interest in education, which led her to complete her PGCE in 2009 at the University of Essex. This led to her master’s degree in 2012 and doctorate in 2016, at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Pallawi’s research and teaching have primarily been concerned with unequal childhoods, epistemic inequalities, indigeneity, sociology and political economy of education, and early years care and education. Pallawi is currently teaching the Early and Primary Education and Movement, Creativity and Health in Education modules in the Childhood programme, at the University. Previously, she has designed and delivered teaching related to international and comparative education, educational theory and philosophy, ethics and politics of research, qualitative and socially-engaged research methods, indigeneity, childhood geographies, place-spaces of education, arts, culture and community in education, education in and through arts and developing academic skills such as reflexivity and reflection in research.
Pallawi has engaged widely with research and knowledge exchange disseminating her work to the academic community by means of seminars, conferences, lectures and workshops; publishing in peer-reviewed journal articles and as book chapters and reports, and to state members and non-government bodies alongside policymaking, funding and advisory committees.
Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2889-3416 for full listing)
Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed):
Sinha, P. (2020). Indigeneity and Education in India: Retelling the Sabar Story. AlterNativeAn International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. https://doi.org/10.1177/1177180120968734
Burnard P., Colucci-Gray L. & Sinha, P. (2020). Letting arts and science teach: Making the case, heeding the evidence, in Point and Counterpoint section of Curriculum Perspectives.
Sriprakash, A., Maithreyi, R, Kumar, A., Sinha, P. & Prabha, K. (2020). ‘Normative Development in Rural India: ‘School readiness’ and ECCE’ in Comparative Education. doi.org/10.1080/03050068.2020.1725350
Tsimpli, I., Mukhopadhyay, L., Treffers-Daller, J., Alladi, S., Marinis, T, Panda, M., Balasubramaniam, A., & Sinha, P. (2019). ‘Multilingualism and multiliteracy in primary education in India: A discussion of some methodological challenges of an interdisciplinary research project’, in Special issue of Research in Comparative and International Education. 14(1), 54–76. DOI: 10.1177/1745499919828908
Hickman, R., & Sinha, P. (2018). Article ‘The Sabar Ways of Knowing: Sustainable ideas towards Educational Ecology’ in Special Issue of International Journal of Art and Design Education, pp. 113-124. (leading contribution) DOI: 10.1111/jade.12137.
Sinha, P. (2017). ‘Listening Ethically to Indigenous Children: Experiences from India’ in International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(3), 272-285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2016.1260843
Hickman, R. & Sinha, P. (2016). ‘Adivasi aesthetic knowing: A duographic account’. Journal of Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 5(3), 317-328. (at par contribution) doi: 10.1386/vi.5.3.317_1
Sinha, P. & Hickman, R. (2016). The Sabar Ways of Knowing through the Arts, Visual Arts Research, 41(1), 88-103.
Book Chapters (Invited):
Sinha, P. (2021; post-review draft accepted in May 2020). ‘Ananda K Coomaraswamy: Crossing the boundaries of art and life’. In D. Garnet & A. Sinner (Eds.), International Perspectives in Arts Education. USA: Intellect Publishing
Burnard, P., Sinha, P., Fenyvesi, K., Steyn, C., Werner, O., Brownell, C., & Lavicza. Z. (2020). Book chapter, ‘Reconfiguring STEAM through Material Enactments of Mathematics and Arts: A diffractive reading of young people’s intradisciplinary Math-Artworks’ in P. Burnard and L. Colucci-Gray (Eds.), Why Science and Art Creativities Matter: (Re-)Configuring STEAM for Future-making Education. UK, USA: Brill/Sense Publications
Fenyvesi, K., Burnard, P., Brownell, C., Sinha, P., Steyn, C., Werner, O., & Lavicza. Z. (2019). “Being an Equation that can’t be solved”: Emotional, Cognitive and Creative Relations to Mathematics and the Arts, Expressed through Artworks by South African Students. Book chapter in Landscapes: Art, Aesthetics and Education, volume ‘Armchair and Paintbrush: An eternal Philosophico-artistic tango’. Germany: Springer.
Sinha, P. (2018). ‘Philosophies and Histories of Art Education in India’. Chapter in Baldacchino, J. (Ed), The International Encyclopaedia of Arts and Design Education, Vol. 1, pp. 345-362. USA, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publication.
Sinha, P. & Burke, C. (2013). The City as a Classroom and Street-children of New Delhi. In C. Burke & K. Jones (Eds.), Education, Childhood and Anarchism: Talking Colin Ward. pp.33-45. Oxon, New York: Routledge.
Reports (Invited):
Sinha, P. (first draft submitted on 30th September 2020). ‘The Social and Emotional Foundation of Learning’ (title to be confirmed), in Chapter 2, part 2, of B. Guroglu, A. Hickey-Moody, P, Burnard and R Gotelieb (leading authors of Working Group 3), UNESCO International Science and Evidence-based Education Assessment. UNESCO-MGIEP.
Burnard, P., Stahl, G., Gill, G., Giugni, L. & Sinha, P. (2019). ‘Participation and Re-presentation in ‘Start-ups’ as Epistemological Sites: A Feminist Space?’ Report on Women in Social Enterprise to the University of Cambridge Research Team. Cambridge: CHRGS & University of Cambridge.
Sinha, P. & Bhuria, A. (2015). Uppingham Seminar series report on Adult learning and education for UN GRALE III Report to benefit from stakeholders and third-sector experiences and practice. Uppingham: ALE.
Sinha, P. (2017). Bihar State Strategy and Action Plan for the Prevention of Child Marriage. Bihar, India: UNFPA.
Pallawi is passionate about driving conversations beyond academia to engage the wider audience including the state, the public and youth, and other governing bodies and institutions in relation to education, in India and the UK. Previously, she has worked with a range of non-government organisations, trusts and charity-driven schools, and hope to attend to the same at the University.
Pallawi’s research has seen her work in several transnational projects including a longitudinal study on multilingualism and multiliteracy across India and UK, small scale studies on: Early Childhood Care and Education across India and UK and building STEAM understanding across 4 countries (UK, USA, South Africa and Finland). Her own research work with the indigenous Sabar community of India has led to public sector and academic engagements across India and internationally.
British Association of International and Comparative Education
Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network
HEA Fellow (in progress)