Maureen Haaker
Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies
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- +44 (0)1473 338413
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- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Maureen Haaker ORCID
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Maureen is a sociologist whose research centres on constructions of the body, reproductive politics, and subjectivity and was awarded a PhD in sociology from University of Essex. Maureen joined University of Suffolk in 2014 and is a senior lecturer for Childhood Studies. Prior to her appointment, she worked as a data archivist specialising in curation and reuse of qualitative datasets. She is a co-editor of IASSIST’s Qualitative Social Science and Humanities Data Interest Group and member of the NCRM International Network on Qualitative Archives and Data Reuse. She has published student texts on research methods and data management.
Maureen's research interests are wide-ranging, from more theoretical explorations focusing on subjectivity, constructions of the body, and reproductive politics to methodological and ethical issues of data management of qualitative data. She has also research pedagogies in higher education, receiving funding from the University of Suffolk’s Centre for Learning and Teaching, looking at enhancing student resilience and decolonising the curriculum.
Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9487-5590 for full listing)
Haaker, M. (2019) Little quick fix: choosing a statistical test. London: Sage.
Book chapters
Haaker, M. (2020) 'Qualitative secondary analysis in teaching' in Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. Qualitative Secondary Analysis. London: Sage, pp 119-134.
Haaker, M., Corti, L., and Van den Eynden, V. (2020) 'Documenting and providing context for data' in Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice. 2nd edn., London: Sage, pp. 70-101.
Haaker, M., Corti, L., and Van den Eynden, V. (2020) 'Formatting, organising and transforming data' in Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice. 2nd edn., London: Sage, pp. 102-134.
Van den Eynden, V., Woollard, M., Summers, S., Bishop, L., Haaker, M. and Corti, L. (2020) ' ' in Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice. 2nd edn., London: Sage, pp. 196-215.
Corti, L., Haaker, M., and Van den Eynden, V. (2020) 'Making use of other people's research data: opportunities and limitations' in Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice. 2nd edn., London: Sage, pp. 240-274.
Haaker, M. and Corti, L. (2020) 'Publishing and citing research data' in Managing and sharing research data: a guide to good practice. 2nd edn., London: Sage, pp. 275-307.
Journal articles
Haaker, M. and Bethany, M. B. (2017) ‘Developing research-led teaching: two cases of practical data reuse in the classroom’, Sage Open, 7(2), DOI: 10.1177/2158244017701800.
Invited to present at IMISCOE 2020, “Crossing Borders, Connecting Cultures”, in Esch-zur-Alzette, Luxembourg. 30 June – 2 July 2020.
Selected from submitted abstract to speak at IASSIST 2020, “Data by Design” Gothenberg, Sweden, 19-22 May 2020
Invited to present at CLARIN EU-funded conference, “Oral History: Users and their Scholarly Practices in a Multidisciplinary World”, University of Munich, Germany, 19-21 September 2018
Invited to present at “Ethical Considerations for Publishing Qualitative Data”, Sheffield Hallam University, 14 May 2018
Invited to present at “Challenges and Opportunities in Sharing Qualitative Data”, University of York, 6 June 2018
Invited to present on the panel “Achieving Transparency in Qualitative Research: Practical Solutions”, Research Methods Festival, University of Bath, 4-7 July 2018
Invited to lead workshop session for “The Gold Standard of Reproducible Research: How to make it work for quantitative and qualitative research” on 9 March 2017, University of Nottingham
Invited speaker at DataFest 2017, “Re-using qualitative data”, 21 March 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland
Invited as consultant for workshop on “Transcription chain” tools, hosted by CLARIN EU, 9-13 May 2017 in Arezzo, Italy
Invited as keynote speaker to Childwebert’s BeSmartOnline! conference held in Malta, November 2015, paper titled “Virtual harm? Critical Perspectives on Self-Injury and Eating Disorders”.
Presented paper at British Sociological Association’s annual conference, April 2015, paper titled “A Deeper Understanding of the ast: Reflections from Archiving and Re-using Qualitative Data”
Invited to present at University of Suffolk’s Safer Internet Event, February 2015, paper titled, “Virtual Harm?”
Maureen works with the Suffolk County Council to devise and convene CPD short courses which tackle issues faced by practitioners working with children. Currently, she is working with the Suffolk Virtual School and Suffolk County Council’s Psychology and Therapeutic Service to deliver a module which explores new interventions and ways of working with children in care.
Maureen plays an active role in mapping of international standards on the curation of qualitative data and its accompanying metadata. As part of this work, she is on the DDI Alliance working group for qualitative data. She also helps with organisation and events for IASSIST. She also In 2019, Maureen co-organised an ESRC-funded seminar, “Capturing Testimony of the Contemporary Migrant Crisis”, which brought to together researchers, research participants, and third sector organisations from around the UK, Europe, and the Middle East to discuss how to share migration data for maximum impact without compromising safeguards of research participants. She’s also been involved in a series of workshops in Italy and Germany, funded by CLARIN EU, on how to transcribe, analyse, and share oral history transcripts.