Dr Lindsey Scott
Course leader for MA Creative and Critical Writing
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Dr Lindsey Scott is an award-winning Senior Lecturer in English specialising in children’s horror, adaptation, and Gothic literature and film. She holds a PhD from the University of Liverpool and received a Gladstone Fellowship to complete her doctoral research. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a recipient of the Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award at De Montfort University. Since joining the University of Suffolk, she has received three Students' Union teaching awards for Most Inspirational Lecturer, Best Personal Tutor, and Most Engaging Online Teaching. In 2023, Lindsey was shortlisted for Masters Teacher of the Year, a national award from Find A University. She is also Central East Network Organiser for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and an academic member of the AHRC-funded international Youth and Horror Research Network.
BA (Hons), MA, PhD, PGCertHE
On the BA (Hons) English courses, Lindsey teaches Literary Criticism: Theory into Practice, Textual Afterlives: Adapting Literature and Film, and Stranger Things: Young Adult Fiction. She also teaches on the Independent Project and supervises undergraduate as well as postgraduate dissertations.
On the MA Creative and Critical Writing, Lindsey teaches Adaptation: New Creative/Critical Directions, Children’s Literature: Through the Looking Glass, and the Dissertation/Project. She also leads the MA course and teaches Children's Literature on the MA Childhood Studies.
Lindsey is the co-editor of Investigating Stranger Things: Upside Down in the World of Mainstream Cult Entertainment (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). The collection explores the narrative, genre, nostalgia and fandoms of this phenomenally successful series and brings together scholars in the fields of media, humanities and cultural studies to consider how Stranger Things challenges and confirms pre-conceived notions of cult media. The project began at the ‘Investigating Stranger Things’ conference with Dr Tracey Mollet (University of Leeds) and was partially funded by a research grant from the University of Suffolk.
Lindsey’s main research interests are adaptation and gothic horror in literature, film, and children's popular culture. She would welcome enquiries about research projects relating to these areas.
Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1574-6433 for full listing)
(see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1574-6433 for a listing of publications)
Scott, L. ‘Growing in Nightshade: Toxic Culture and Healing Horror in Netflix’s Wednesday’ in Piatti-Farnell, L. (ed.) Poison in Popular Culture: Representations, Aesthetics, and Meanings. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield (forthcoming).
Scott, L. and Bernthal-Hooker, J. (conference organisers) 'Sequestered Places, Heaving Seas: the Life and Works of M.R. James.' Centre for Culture and Heritage, University of Suffolk, April 2024.
Scott, L. (panel chair) 'Do They Exist? Writing and Illustrating Ghosts.' 'Phantasmagoria: In Conversation with Ghosts.' Graduate Conference. Centre for Culture and Heritage, University of Suffolk, April 2024.
Scott, L., Bernthal-Hooker, J., Britton, M., Gant, R., Phillips, J. and Spalding, A. (conference organisers) 'Phantasmagoria: In Conversation with Ghosts.' Graduate Conference. Centre for Culture and Heritage, University of Suffolk, April 2024.
Scott, L. 'Opening the Gate: reconfiguring the child victim in Stranger Things', in Hoedt, M. and Lukic, M. (eds.) Re-imagining the Victim in Post-1970s Horror Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (2024). Access here.
Scott, L. ‘Through a darker looking glass: Alice’s adventures in horrorland,’ in Sanna, A. (ed.) Alice in Wonderland in Film and Popular Culture. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2022). Access here.
Scott, L. 'Horror at the crossroads: mapping the child's grief in Pan's Labyrinth', in Dymond, E. (ed.) Grief in Contemporary Horror Cinema Screening Loss:. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2022). Access here.
Scott, L. ‘Tween terror in the Upside Down: children, cult horror and Stranger Things,’ in Mollet, T. and Scott, L. (eds.) Investigating Stranger Things: Upside Down in the World of Mainstream Cult Entertainment (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Access here.
Mollet, T. and Scott, L. ‘Stranger Things in a familiar land: mainstream cult entertainment in the age of Netflix,’ in Mollet, T. and Scott, L. (eds.) Investigating Stranger Things: Upside Down in the World of Mainstream Cult Entertainment (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Access here.
Mollet, T. and Scott, L. (eds.) Investigating Stranger Things: Upside Down in the World of Mainstream Cult Entertainment (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Access here.
Scott, L. '(Re)cycling the eighties: kids on bikes and closer encounters in Stranger Things.' Looking into the Upside Down: Investigating Stranger Things Conference. University of Leeds, December 2018.
Scott, L. ‘“Groaning shadows that are gone”: the ghosts of Titus Andronicus.’ English Studies, 96, (4), pp. 403-423. [Online]. Taylor & Francis, 2015. Access here.
Scott, L. ‘The Blue Room.’ What the Dickens? Magazine/Miracle e-Zine Spooky Tales Anthology, 2014, pp. 59-65. Access here.
Scott, L. 'Telling Butterflies,' in Moran Neil, J. (ed.) A Dozen Promises (Creative Ink Publishing, 2014).
Scott, L. ‘Crossing oceans of time: Stoker, Coppola and the new vampire film,’ in George, S. and Hughes, B. (eds.) Open Graves, Open Minds: Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013), pp. 113-30. Access here.
Scott, L., Burd, S., Brierley, A., Willis, M., Nichols-Drew, L. and Green, S. ‘Enhancing employability: practices of constructive alignment in student work-based learning.’ Open Doors, Open Minds: Engaging with Higher Education Conference. De Montfort University, April 2013.
Scott, L. ‘Review of The Hollow Crown (directed by Rupert Goold, Richard Eyre and Thea Sharrock), BBC Two, 30 June-21 July 2012.’ Shakespeare, 9, (1), 2013, pp. 108-114. Access here.
Scott, L. (panel chair) ‘Contemporary politics: myth, history and adaptation’. Adapting Historical Narratives Conference. Centre for Adaptations, De Montfort University, February 2012.
Scott, L. ‘A mother’s curse: reassigning blame in Hideo Nakata's Ringu and Gore Verbinski’s The Ring.’ Cinephile, 6 (2) pp. 14-19. [Online]. Cinephile. Horror Ad-Nauseam. The University of British Columbia, 2010. Access here.
Scott, L. '"Will it consume me?" Awakening Shakespeare's ghosts in Julie Taymor's Titus.' Feminism and Adaptation Conference. Centre for Adaptations, De Montfort University, April 2009.
Scott, L. ‘“There's no such thing”: nothing and nakedness in Polanski's Macbeth.’ Shakespeare Survey (61) pp. 104-115. [Online]. Shakespeare Survey (No. 61). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Access here.
Scott, L. ‘“Closed in a dead man's tomb”: Juliet, space, and the body in Franco Zeffirelli’s and Baz Luhrmann's Films of Romeo and Juliet.’ Literature/Film Quarterly, 36 (2), 2008, pp. 137-46. Access here.
Scott, L. '"There's no such thing": nothing and nakedness in Roman Polanski's Macbeth.' Filming Shakespeare's plays: reduction or enlargement? Seminar presentation. 3rd British Shakespeare Association Conference. University of Warwick, August - September 2007.
Scott, L. ‘Suffocating bodies: spaces of female privacy in Othello.' Literary Geographies: a Multidisciplinary Conference. University of Nottingham, July 2007.
Scott, L. '"A dagger of the mind": defiling Duncan’s body in screen adaptations of Macbeth.' Minding the Body - Social, Political, Historical: an Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Leicester, May 2007.
Scott, L. 'Shakespeare across the disciplines: Romeo and Juliet - stage, screen, text, image.' Research Without Boundaries Conference. University of Roehampton, April 2007.
Scott, L. 'Reading the prophetic space in Macbeth.' The Annual British Shakespeare Graduate Conference. The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham. Stratford-upon-Avon, June 2007.
Scott, L. 'Othello on film, film on Othello.' Retelling Tales Conference. University of Stirling, May 2007.
Scott, L. ‘Exploring the liminal body: Juliet's sexual autonomy on Shakespeare's stage and on screen.’ Association of Adaptation Studies Inaugural Conference. De Montfort University, September 2006.
Lindsey was appointed Honorary Fellow of De Montfort’s international Centre for Adaptations (2014-2017). She has presented papers at international conferences, including those hosted by the Association of Adaptation Studies, the British Shakespeare Association, and the Shakespeare Institute. Lindsey has peer-reviewed submissions for the leading academic journals Shakespeare (Routledge) and Adaptation (Oxford UP).
Higher Education Academy (Fellow)
International Gothic Association
Association of Adaptation Studies
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (Central East Network Organiser)