Graduate Story
Amy Felgate, BSc (Hons) Psychology and Sociology
I chose to study at the University of Suffolk due to not only being very familiar and close to home but also due to the class sizes. Due to the small classes the teaching style is made more personal with the lectures actually knowing your name and ability. This has helped me really develop at my own pace with my speaking skills. At the University of Suffolk, I'm studying a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and Sociology with BPS accreditation.
I chose this degree due to my own personal interests plus my love for the subjects and this degree would allow me to learn even more! After completing my first year I am confident that I have made the correct decision for following a degree in such a friendly environment.
Related Courses
The BSc Psychology course will give you a thorough grounding in each of the major fields in psychology: social psychology; developmental psychology; biological psychology; and cognitive psychology.
The BSc (Hons) Sociology looks at your world and challenges you to ask searching questions about inequality, fairness, power and violence.
This course enables you to study the workings of the human mind and how this is revealed in human behaviour, alongside the study of crime and criminals including individual motivations and prevention.
Our BSc (Hons) Criminology and Sociology degree tackles controversial public issues and encourages open debate. All crime has a social context so it makes sense to study criminology and sociology together.
The BSc (Hons) Psychology and Counselling enables you to study the workings of the human mind and how this is revealed in human behaviour, while also exploring the skills required to be a counsellor.
Our MSc in Psychology is a conversion course for students with an undergraduate psychology degree that was not accredited by the British Psychological Society or an undergraduate degree in another discipline other than psychology.
This course provides the opportunity for students to gain further experience and knowledge in Psychology that will make them more appealing candidates for professional training programmes.
The MSc programme in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Counselling is an advanced professional and clinical training for students who wish to practice as psychotherapists offering cognitive behaviour therapy and psychodynamic therapy.
The University of Suffolk Criminology degree tackles controversial public issues and encourages open debate.