Job Board - Employer Terms and Conditions

To advertise a vacancy, please read these terms and conditions beforehand.

The Careers, Employability and Enterprise service will not enter into contracts with students or employers. All contracts are to be agreed directly between the employer and student. The Online Job Board is not an agency and accepts no liability for the actions of students and employers. The placement of an advert with Careers, Employability and Enterprise shall be regarded as acceptance of this vacancy policy.

Vacancies can be full-time, part-time, or internships, but must be paid at NMW/NLW. Additionally, unpaid opportunities that are part of a student’s module can be advertised, for example, 100 hour work-based learning placements – please email us for more information.

By submitting a vacancy online you agree to adhere to all legal requirements and in good faith with the following guidance:

  1. The employer should make clear the nature of the work offered and specify clearly any necessary skills, terms and conditions, in the form of a role/job description and essential criteria.
  2. Employers should clearly state in writing the terms of employment, by no later than the first day of employment.
  3. The employer should seek to obtain details of the students' study obligations and should bear these in mind when negotiating hours of work with students.
  4. The employer shall satisfy themselves as to the suitability of any employee. They shall be responsible for taking up any references provided before employment and are responsible for verifying the students' immigration status.
  5. It is the duty of the employer to meet all the statutory legal requirements with regard to students' employed. In particular, the employer is reminded of the following requirements; this is not an exhaustive list:

a. Payment of National Insurance contributions, tax or, where appropriate, submission of Declaration of Income forms [P38(s)] to the Inland Revenue.
b. Adherence to Health and Safety regulations.
c. Provision of adequate insurance - you must have Employers Liability Insurance to recruit a student for a placement, internship or job.
d. Compliance with legislation against discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, ethnic origin and disability. Compliance with legislation in respect to non-discrimination on the grounds of age.
e. Adherence to National Minimum Wage (NMW) /National Living Wage (NLW) and working time legislation – We do not promote any vacancies which are unpaid (with the exception of volunteering opportunities, if the employer is a not-for-profit, CIC, or a registered charity)
f. Immigration regulations

6. Where training is required, this must comply with NMW/NLW and working time legislation. Any potential employees must be made aware in advance of the training period.
7. It is the responsibility of the employer to let all candidates know the result of an application or interview as soon as reasonably possible.
8. It is the responsibility of the employer to inform the University of Suffolk Careers, Employability and Enterprise service when the post has been filled.
9. University of Suffolk Careers reserves the right not to advertise an employer's vacancy for any reason.

These proposals are without prejudice to any rights or obligations which may be relied upon in law, including but not limited to race relations, employment protection, sex discrimination and age discrimination. It is strongly recommended that good equal opportunities practise be extended into areas not covered by the law.

All information advertised by the University of Suffolk Careers Job Board is done so in good faith.

University of Suffolk Careers makes every effort to ensure that any information given is true and accurate at the time of disclosure. It accepts no liability for any misinformation published.

Unpaid Work

What kinds of unpaid work experience are allowed? There are a few situations in which organisations aren’t required to pay students/interns the national minimum wage. These include:

  • if a student is doing an internship or placement that lasts for less than one year as part of a UK-based higher education course
  • if a student is volunteering at a charity, voluntary, CIC or not-for-profit organisation, completing work hours they have chosen and receive limited expenses, such as for food and travel. However, if they receive any money that can’t be regarded as a reimbursement of expenses, this counts as payment and they should therefore be paid the national minimum wage.
  • if a student is work-shadowing

In short, can a student take part in an unpaid opportunity with an employer? Yes, if both of the following apply:

  • the employer is a charity, CIC or a voluntary organisation (not-for-profit)
  • the student is able to choose their working hours

Or, if the student is doing a placement as part of their UK-based higher education course.

The student can also, and should, receive expenses such as travel.

T: 01473 338840

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Instagram: @uos_entandcareers
Facebook: UniofSuffolkCareers