Student Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

The University of Suffolk’s enterprise team provides students and graduates opportunities and support whether it is setting up their own business or social enterprise, becoming freelance/self-employed, creating a scalable start-up or developing the crucial enterprise and entrepreneurship skills employers demand.

What is Enterprise and Entrepreneurship?

Enterprise can be defined as ‘the generation and application of ideas, which are set within practical situations during a project or undertaking... It combines creativity, originality, initiative, idea generation, design thinking, adaptability and reflexivity with problem identification, problem-solving, innovation, expression, communication and practical action’ QAA 2018, p.7.*​

Entrepreneurship education is defined as ‘the application of enterprise behaviours, attributes and competencies into the creation of cultural, social or economic value. This can, but does not exclusively, lead to venture creation’ QAA 2018, p.7.*

It is important to note that enterprise and entrepreneurship​ is not just about adding economic value but about adding social, cultural and environmental value! And it does not exclusively lead to venture creation. Enterprise and entrepreneurship skills can be used to demonstrate innovation and creativity whilst working for an organisation - referred to as intrapreneurship 

Set Off on your Self-Employed Journey

Are you an inspiring entrepreneur, or perhaps you just like doing things your way? Student enterprise at the University of Suffolk offers a wide range of support to all students and graduates. 

Student enterprise is maybe not as self-explanatory as other offerings. When you think of enterprise, many associations spring to mind: Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, renting cars … of course, these are all right, but there is much more to enterprise than you may realise. Although a significant part of student enterprise is running a business at university, it is not exclusively associated with business start-ups. Instead, it incorporates a collection of activities that allows you to learn and develop new skills that can be used personally and professionally.

Getting involved in enterprise and entrepreneurship will help you develop transferable skills such as commercial awareness, creative problem solving, teamwork, leadership and communication – skills that top employers look for in graduates.

Our student enterprise initiatives aim to help you to take charge of your personal development by enabling you to explore alternative career prospects such as starting your own business or social enterprise.

Freelancing is a form of self-employment. Freelancers lend their skills and talents to a number of clients on a flexible basis. They are not employed by a company or committed to a single customer or organisation. Thus giving freelancers the freedom to choose which projects they would like to work on as well as for which clients they want to work for. Typically freelancers work from home, although some rent office spaces or studios.

You can balance freelancing with other employment, although many decide to commit solely to freelancing to build better client relationships and impressive portfolios. 

Like anything new, starting your own business may seem overwhelming. You will learn how to navigate an ecosystem of multi-layered tasks for the first time. From forming your initial idea to creating your website, promoting your brand, and developing a marketing plan. Though this seems like a lot to take on, we can help you outline a strategy ahead of time that aims to assist you in tackling challenges as and when they come, thus progressing you smoothly towards your entrepreneurial goals.