
Partnership Expectations

Waterfront campus - Question Mark

Working with us

This page outlines the key principles and commitments that define our partnership. Here, you will find clear guidance on your responsibilities as an agent and the support you can expect from us. Together, we aim to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and collaboration.

Our Expectations

We ensure our representatives undergo a stringent verification process before an agreement is issued. During this process we collect detailed information about the prospective representative and require two references as part of the application process. Our Procurement team also requires evidence of the legal entity of the organisation to complete company verification checks – this ensures the organisations we work with have the legal grounds to enter into a contractual relationship with us.  

As a values-driven university, we are transformative, collaborative, empowering, professional, creative and inclusive – we expect our representatives to live and breathe these values when representing us.   

We expect our representatives, their employees and subcontractors, to be transparent about what the University of Suffolk has to offer prospective students, such as our unique proposition, our industry connections and graduate outcomes. We do not expect our representatives to mis-sell the university to prospective students in the pursuit of meeting targets. We believe our university has outstanding features that will attract a range of satisfied and motivated future students, therefore our representatives must counsel students with transparency and integrity in order to preserve the brand and reputation of our University. Our website is one of our best assets – use this as your digital prospectus when counselling students.  

Our International team commits to conduct training either in-person or online for all representatives at least once per year, and where possible, on a regular basis. It is important that our representatives invest the time to attend training sessions to get accurate and up-to-date information about the University. We also circulate a monthly email newsletter to provide you with the latest information and news stories – contact us if you are not already on our mailing list.  

The University of Suffolk has pledged to fully implement the Agent Quality Framework within its management of representatives, and we therefore require our representatives to adhere to The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents 2021 

Representatives are required, under the obligations of our Representative Agreement, to attend agent training offered by recognised organisations such as the British Council – compliance with this aspect of the agreement will be monitored annually as part of the representative review process.  

The University takes UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) policy and requirements seriously, and we expect our representatives (and their sub-contractors) to work to the same standards to protect the University’s Sponsor Licence. As a Sponsor with a strong track record of compliance, we have implemented a number of processes to ensure we recruit the right students and the right representatives. We expect all representatives to have completed UKVI training, which we are permitted to request evidence of at any time. The International team conducts annual reviews of contracted representatives to ensure we are managing our network effectively, and to ensure our representatives are complying with a number of policies and procedures; this review will evaluate the reasons for visa refusals and other issues affecting the University’s UKVI compliance.  

Detailed information about the Student route visa is accessible on the UK Government website 

The University is required to comply with The Data Protection Act 2018, which is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We recognise that data processing laws and regulations may differ overseas, but representatives transferring personal student data to the University of Suffolk are required to comply with UK data protection regulations.  

We advise representatives to use password protected documents when emailing student personal data and documentation such as passports, medical records and academic records to us. Fines for breaching data protection laws in the UK can be significant, therefore we appreciate your diligence when handling personal and sensitive student data.  

If you would like advice on data protection best practice, or if you think your organisation may have had a data breach affecting University of Suffolk students, please contact us 

See Policies and Procedures 

Find out more in our University of Suffolk Data Protection Training

As a public authority, we must comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – we do this by publishing certain information about our activities, and by supplying information to members of the public at their request.  

Representatives are required to comply with the University’s requests for information should the University receive a Freedom of Information request – this could include sensitive information. We recommend all representatives to maintain accurate company records at all times.  

See Policies and Procedures 

All representatives are contractually obliged to maintain adequate insurance cover with a reputable firm when fulfilling the services of the Representative Agreement. Our International team will request confirmation of appropriate insurance cover as part of the annual representative review process 

The University of Suffolk Anti-Corruption Policy outlines the expected behaviour of employees and it’s sub-contracts i.e., representatives in relation to bribery, fraud and criminal finance. Representatives must ensure they are familiar with the requirements of our policy.  

See Policies and Procedures 

Representatives are classed as suppliers of the University, and are therefore required to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The University has published a modern slavery and human trafficking statement on its website, which representatives must review and implement as appropriate. As part of the annual representative review process, all representatives will be required to provide evidence of how they comply with the principles of this Statement and Act.  

See Policies and Procedures 

We recognise that some of our representatives have an operating model that includes the use of sub-agents or subcontractors. Under the obligations of the Representative Agreement, the University requires all representatives to have contractual obligations that are no less onerous than the obligations of the University’s Representative Agreement. The University may at any time request information about how representatives manage and maintain compliance within their sub-agent network. If requests for this information are refused, or the information provided is unsatisfactory, the University may exercise its right to terminate the agreement.  

UK universities are under increased scrutiny from the UK Government and other organisations in relation to how they manage education agents, therefore it is paramount that our representatives are managing their sub-agents ethically, legally and transparently. As part of the annual representative review process, the International team will request information regarding the management of sub-agent networks.  

A full list of current University Policies and Procedures can be found on our website. This includes our Admissions and Tuition Fee policies.

The UK’s Agent Quality Framework (AQF), designed by BUILA and UKCISA, recognises the critical role that agents and counsellors play in attracting and supporting international students wishing to study in the UK. They provide crucial resources for ensuring agents have the right information and skills as well for sharing best practice and providing up to date information. The AQF includes: 

Our International Team

Chris Garrett

Associate Director for International

Chris Garrett staff profile photo

Chris Panayi

Senior International Marketing Officer

Chris Panayi staff profile photo

Jessica Garrity

Senior International Officer – Asia (ex. India)

Jess Garrity staff profile photo

Stephanie Akinyi

Senior International Officer – Africa

Stephanie Akinyi staff profile photo

Pawan Bajaj

Student Recruitment Manager - India
Pawan Bajaj

Professor Zia Ul Islam

Zia is the In-Country Representative - Pakistan