Event Form

Register Your Interest

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Please pick one course of interest
Planned year to start study
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Higher Education Access Tracker Opt In
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We will store your data in an electronic database owned by the Higher Education Access Tracker service (HEAT), and this may be shared with the Office for Students (OfS) or the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) to help evaluate the effectiveness of this activity as part of government policy to increase access to higher education, and to support the development of future policy. We, HEAT and other authorised organisations listed may use some of this data in reports and publications anonymously – we or HEAT will NEVER publish your name or personal details or allow you to be identified from the data in publications. The University of Suffolk is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like further clarification, or to opt out please email your name and address to schools@uos.ac.uk.

We do not share your data with third-party agents but may use licensed third-party systems to store it. We only use systems that are secure and password-protected. These include Akero, an enquiry management system. Internally, your data will be stored in SITS, our student record system. We only store data necessary to send information tailored to your interests, and we may store your data for up to 3 years. At any time, you can unsubscribe from our systems or request to have all your data removed.