Disability and Learning Difficulty Support
The University of Suffolk aims to create an environment which is accessible for students with any disability. This includes specific learning differences, sensory impairment, long-term medical conditions and/or mental ill health.
Staff are available throughout the year and will be happy to discuss your support needs. We aim to offer relevant, tailored support and advice which will help you to achieve your potential.
We recommend that you contact Student Services as soon as possible to make an appointment, where you can discuss support arrangements with an adviser. With your input, support arrangements are identified and put in place using a Reasonable Adjustment Agreement (RAA). Find more detailed information about reasonable adjustments, or download the Code of Practice on Reasonable Adjustments for Students.
Disability and Wellbeing Advisers
Your disability and wellbeing adviser can arrange the following:
- Advice and support in applying for Disabled Students' Allowances. More information is available at YourDSA.
- Individual reasonable adjustments
- Arrangement of tailored support including Non-Medical Help (NMH) e.g. Note-taking, Study Assistance and/or Mentoring
- Diagnostic assessment for Specific Learning Differences
- One-to-one study skills tuition
- Advice on equipment and access
- Exam concessions
- Liaison with academic and other university staff and external agencies
- Counselling
The University of Suffolk is committed to inclusive learning and teaching and encourages all students who might need additional support because of a disability to contact studentsupport@uos.ac.uk. We have a Disability Statement which can also be sent to you on request or viewed online.
We recommend that you inform student services of any specific requirements on application and/or enrolment so that we can ensure support is in place and ready for the start of your course.
In addition to this, we understand that personal circumstances may change during your time at university. If this happens you can approach Student Services to discuss how a recent diagnosis or short-term illness may be affecting your studies. We work with each individual to discuss, advise and identify the best support package to help people succeed in their studies.
Find out how to contact the support services at our other campus locations:
- Enquiries regarding additional learning or medical needs: ALS@suffolk.ac.uk
- All other enquiries: support@suffolk.ac.uk
Appointments can be booked via email SENDSupport@eastcoast.ac.uk.
These are flexible around the student and are offered to be face-to-face, virtual or a phone call.
The designated safeguarding leads are:
Maria Watson
Great Yarmouth Campus
Phone +44 (0)7795 306828
Jess Leggett
Lowestoft Campus
Phone +44 (0)7747 442823
To request an appointment, email allenquiries@lsclondon.co.uk.
The lead contact for disability and wellbeing is:
Rabindra Shrestha
Email rabindra.shrestha@lsclondon.co.uk
The designated safeguarding lead is:
David Silbergh
Email david.silbergh@lsclondon.co.uk
To book student appointments, email welfare@globalbanking.ac.uk or visit the welfare office on campus.
The lead contact for disability and wellbeing, and safeguarding is:
Loretta Miller
Email lmiller@globalbanking.ac.uk.
To book an appointment, email: wellbeing@ldtraining.ac.uk
Student Experience and Engagement Manager: Luminita Paraschiv lparaschiv@ldtraining.ac.uk
Wellbeing & Disability Officer: Kamila Talpakova ktalpakova@ldtraining.ac.uk