Celebrating Trauma-Informed Practice

15 February 2024
15 February 2024
9.00 AM2.20 PM

Waterfront Building, Ipswich Campus
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Academics in the new Institute for Social Justice and Crime

The event aims to celebrate good trauma-informed practice, discuss challenges and barriers in implementation across public services, and explore avenues and next steps for improvement in training and provision, based on the learning from collaborations between the University of Suffolk, Suffolk County Council and Survivors in Transition.

Agenda Highlights:
•    Celebrating Good Trauma-Informed Practice: Join us in recognizing and celebrating the positive impact of trauma-informed practice across various sectors.
•    Practitioner Talks: Local practitioners from education, health, and charities will provide their insights of the challenges and barriers faced in implementing trauma-informed practice within public services, as well as their experiences of doing good trauma-informed practice.
•    Keynote Speakers: Benefit from the expertise of project partners and funders, including Survivors in Transition and Suffolk County Council, who will share their perspectives on fostering trauma-informed environments, and University of Suffolk researchers, who share findings and recommendations from their research collaborations.
•    Awards Ceremony: The day will culminate in an awards ceremony, where CEO of Survivors in Transition and Health Improvement Lead for Suffolk County Council will acknowledge individuals and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to trauma-informed practice and care.