Stuart Agnew
Associate Professor, Director, The Centre for Academic & International Partnerships
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338559
- School/Directorate
- Centre for Academic and International Partnerships (CAIP)
Stuart Agnew is an Associate Professor (Criminology) and has held several roles within University of Suffolk since he joined in 2008 from University of Teesside. Having previously been an Associate Dean in the School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Course Leader for Criminology provision, and expanding the partnership between the University of Suffolk and Unitas, he has been appointed the Director for the Centre for Academic & International Partnerships. Stuart has a 1st Class (Hons) degree and MSc Criminology from University of Teesside and is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy and has a PGCE. Stuart is also an experienced External Examiner.
Stuart has extensive experience in course management, design and validation and delivery at undergraduate and postgraduate level. A case study authored by Stuart and Prof Emma Bond regarding the use technology to support M level students on this programme has been published by The Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee as an example of exemplary practice from an international perspective.
Stuart is an experienced External Examiner and has a thorough understanding of HE quality standards.
Conference Presentations
‘Challenges teaching Quantitative Methods in Criminology’ – British Society of Criminology Symposium, London, September 2016
‘Progress into Employment’ - Youth Matters: Moving Beyond the Margins, Newcastle, June 2016
‘Understanding Youth Unemployment’ - Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines, Malta, March 2014
‘Using technology to Support Postgraduate Students’ - European Association for Practitioner Research for Improving Education, Biel, Switzerland, November 2013
‘Socks on or off: Emerging themes from a Sex-Work Forum’ – First Annual Cyber Psychology Conference, Leicester, September 2013
‘Sex, stigmatization and starvation’ – International Conference on Social Science Research, Penang June 2013
‘Assessing Students at master’s level’ - Assimilate Conference –– Leeds, September 2012
‘From Providers to Enablers: the provision of positive activities to young people’ - British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Leeds April 2012
‘From Providers to Enablers: the provision of positive activities to young people’ - Social Futures Institute Annual Conference, Darlington September 2011
Video Doorbells and the Perception of Security in Ipswich
Children's workforce survey to identify training needs of those who work with children who have been victims of online abuse commissioned by Marie Collins Foundation
Exploring student and employer perspectives on creating an online platform for Opportunities in Suffolk commissioned by Suffolk County Council
Moving on: Progress into Employment - Understanding Youth Unemployment in Greater Ipswich, commissioned by Suffolk County Council
Challenge for Change Evaluation, commissioned by Suffolk Youth Offending Service, Suffolk Constabulary and the Police & Crime Commissioner for Suffolk
The use of technology to enhance learning at post-graduate level
Young people’s experiences of learning in Suffolk
Evaluating the prevalence of Urban Street Gangs in Birmingham on behalf of West Midlands Police
Evaluation of the Town Safe Initiative in Ipswich on behalf of Suffolk Constabulary
Evaluation of the Wos Up Twilight project delivered by Supporting Contemporary Adolescents (Suffolk based project) on behalf of the Youth Sector Development Fund
Evaluation report of the Kickz and Goalz programmes delivered by the Community Sports Foundation (Norfolk based project) on behalf of the Youth Sector Development Fund
The use of audio/video as an assessment tool with the undergraduate Criminology programme
Selected publications
Journal Articles
Agnew, S. (2013). Providers to Enablers Reflections on the provision of positive activities targeting criminal and anti-social behaviour for young people, Contemporary Social Science Special Issue, Volume 8(2)
Bond, E. and Agnew, S. (2013). Shout out Suffolk! How one county council is taking young people’s views seriously, Education Journal, issue 164 (pp.10-15)
Bond E. and Agnew, S. (2013). How one county council is taking young people’s views seriously, Education Journal Wales, issue 29 (pp. 13-29)
Book Chapters
Manning, M. and Agnew, S. (2020) ‘Policing in the Era of AI and Smart Societies: Austerity; Legitimacy and Blurring the Line of Consent’, Jahankhani, H., Akhgar, B., Cochrane, P., Dastbaz, M. (Eds.), Policing in the Era of AI and Smart Societies, New York, Springer
Bond, E. and Agnew, S. (2015) ‘Towards an innovative inclusion: Using Digital Methods with Young People’, Snee, H. Hine, C. Morey, Y. Roberts, S and Watson, H. editors, Digital Methods for Social Sciences: An interdisciplinary guide to research innovation, Basingstoke, Palgrave
Bond, E.; Agnew, S.; Ritchie, L.; Palmer-Conn, S. and Garbett, C. (2015) ‘Creative Assessments: four effective approaches’ in Kneale, P. (Ed.) Perspectives on Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Basingstoke: Palgrave
Agnew, S. (2014) ‘Rational Choice Theory’, in Taylor, P. Corteen, K. and Morley, S. (Eds), A Dictionary of Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk’, Bristol, Policy Press
Bond, E. and Agnew, S. (2013) ‘Understanding Childhood in Late Modernity’, in Taylor, J.; Bond, E. and Woods, M. (Eds.), Early Childhood Studies and Holistic, Interdisciplinary Introduction London: Hodder Arnold
Book review for British Society of Criminology Learning & Teaching Network:
2014 - John Martyn Chamberlain, Understanding Criminological Research: a guide to data analysis, Sage, London, 2013; 252pp ISBN:9781446208588
2013 - Garry Slapper, How the Law Works 2nd edition, Routledge, London, 2011, 245pp. ISBN 978-0-415-60010-1
2012 -Robin Mason and Frank Rennie, E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook: Resources for Higher Education, Routledge, London, 2008; 194pp. ISBN 9780415426077.
Reviewer for the following publishers since 2010:
Taylor and Francis, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Willan Publishers, Palgrave Macmillan, Polity Press.
Evaluation Reports
Dogaru, C. Agnew, S. and James, D. (2020) Video Doorbells and Perceptions of Security in Ipswich, Final evaluation report July 2020
Bond, E. Agnew, S. Pippen, A. and Palmer, T. (2014) The Children’s Workforce across England is ill-equipped to meet the needs of child victims of online abuse Download.
Agnew S. and Bond, E. (2013) Everyone Deserves a Second Chance - Findings from a qualitative review of the Challenge 4 Change (C4C) Intervention Programme Download.
Agnew, S. and Bond, E. (2013) Findings from Progress into Employment: Understanding Youth Unemployment in Greater Ipswich Download.
Bond, E. and Agnew, S. (2013) Exploring student and employer perspectives on creating an online platform for Opportunities in Suffolk
Bond, E. and Agnew, S. (2013) My education: The good the bad and the ugly. A report on the findings from Shout Out Suffolk!
Bond, E. Agnew, S. and James, D. (2013) Shout Out Suffolk! a report on children and young people’s experiences of education in Suffolk
Hallsworth, S. Dixon, L. Agnew, S. and Arnold, H. (2013) Gangs and gang life in Birmingham: A report for the West Midlands Police
Hallsworth, S. and Agnew, S. (2013) Perceptions and Understandings of Gangs and Gang Life in Birmingham: A report for the West Midlands Police
Agnew, S. and James, D. (2012) Evaluation report for Suffolk Constabulary relating to the Town Safe Initiative in Ipswich
Joslyn, E. James, D. Bond, E. Agnew, S. and Richards, S. (2011) Evaluation report of the YSDF funded Wos Up Twilight project delivered by Supporting Contemporary Adolescents
James, D. Bond, E. Agnew, S. and Richards, S. (2011) Evaluation report of the YSDF funded Kickz and Goalz programmes delivered by the Community Sports Foundation
Other publications
Agnew, S. (2013) Town Safe: Suffolk Constabulary's response to shoplifting and anti-social behaviour in Ipswich Town Centre, May 2013 Download.
Case study: MA Childhood and Youth Studies, University Campus Suffolk with Prof Emma Bond used by The Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC) in Learning from International Practice (LFIP) February 2013. Download.
British Society of Criminology
British Society of Criminology Learning & Teaching Network – committee member
Award Panel Member: The National Award for Excellence in Teaching Criminology
Centre for Criminal Justice Studies
Fellow of Higher Education Academy