Professor Colin R.Martin

Clinical Director of the Institute of Health & Wellbeing

+44 (0)1473 338091
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Colin R Martin is the Clinical Director of the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Suffolk, UK and Professor of Clinical Psychobiology and Applied Psychoneuroimmunology.  He is a Chartered Health Psychologist and a Chartered Scientist.  He also trained in analytical biochemistry, this aspect reflecting the psychobiological focus of much of his research within mental health.  He is also a clinician who specialised for many years in alcohol and drug abuse, indeed one of his first books was Identification and Treatment of Alcohol Dependency published in 2008.  He has published or has in press well over 300 research papers and book chapters.  He is a keen book author and editor having written and/or edited more than 30 books.  These outputs include the prophetic insight into the treatment of neurological disease, Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition (2011), Nanomedicine and the Nervous System (2012), Oxidative Stress and Dietary Antioxidants in Neurological Disease (2020) and The Neuroscience of Depression: Features, Diagnosis and Treatment (2021).  Professor Martin is particularly interested in the psychobiological interface between physical illness and its impact of mental health and how this relationship impacts on the course of disease outcome.  He is also well-known for his research work in the areas of perinatal mental health and maternal health, having published the book Perinatal Mental Health: A Clinical Guide (2012).  He developed the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R), a short, valid and reliable measure of birth experience that is now the recommended birth experience measure of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) in the Pregnancy and Childbirth Standard Set for outcome measurement in this clinical population worldwide. His work in perinatal wellbeing is expansive, for example his latest two new books on the Zika virus, these being: Zika Virus Impact, Diagnosis, Control and Models and Zika Virus Biology, Transmission and Pathways. He is involved in collaborative International research with many European and Non-European countries.