Peter Brown

Senior Lecturer and BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Course Leader

+44 (0)1473 338750
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health
Peter Brown staff profile photo

Peter is a Registered Adult Nurse with experience in acute, critical, and emergency care, (including Covid Intensive Care during the Coronavirus pandemic). He is also a RC (UK) Instructor. Peter teaches across the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with a special interest in human factors and education within emergency care and resuscitation.

Peter is a senior fellow of the higher education academy and continues to work in clinical practice, in partner Trusts across the region, in emergency and critical care.

Public Service BA Hons 

Adult Nursing MSc 

PgC Academic Practice Fellow of the Higher Education Academy  

Clinical skills, including advanced practice with special interest in progressing emergency care

Resuscitation Council (UK) certified instructor  

Leading a range of initiatives to design and deliver an integrated enhanced life support training within the pre-registration Nursing programme (Resus123©)

Integrating and improving objective structured clinical assessment within the undergraduate programme

Small scale research on examiner experience of OSCE

Co-production team for the delivery of clinical education at the proposed new hospital in West Suffolk

Conference Paper 2018 social media & CPD 

External Examine to the School of Health, Education, Medicine, and Social Care at Anglia Ruskin University

Nursing & Midwifery Council 

Resuscitation Council (UK) 

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy