Dr Muhammed Mahmoud
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338911
- m.mahmoud@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Technology, Business and Arts
Muhammed is an Accounting and Finance lecturer at the School of Technology, Business and Arts. Before joining the University of Suffolk, Muhammed has been teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the UK and overseas, covering a wide range of accounting and finance modules since 2007.
Muhammed is a dedicated educator who is passionate about fostering the intellectual growth and professional development of his students. His teaching philosophy is built on connecting scholarly concepts to real-life examples, which helps students grasp and apply concepts in a meaningful and practical way.
Muhammed holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from Mansoura University, Egypt, and a Master's degree in Finance from the University of the West of England. He also now holds a PhD in Accounting (post viva voce), where he studied at Aston University.
He taught a wide range of accounting and finance modules including; Auditing I & II, Taxation, Principles of Financial Accounting I & II, Corporate Finance, Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Management, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, and Intermediate Accounting I & II.
Teaching/contributing to:
-Advanced Auditing.
-Principles of taxation.
-Advanced Taxation.
-Advanced Financial Accounting.
His research focuses on exploring CSR reporting practices between global and local contexts, through novel theoretical frameworks such as Actor-Network Theory (ANT). His research interests include CSR, sustainability, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, company analysis and valuation.
He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of Centre for Social and Environmental Research (CSEAR).