Eva Harris-Cooper
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338465
- E.Harris2@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health
Eva is a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the PgD Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing). She has worked at the University since 2015. She is a Registered Nurse (Adult), Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) and NMC Level 4 Teacher. She holds a Masters in Public Health Nursing and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education.
Areas of expertise include: Health Needs Assessment, Communication and Teamwork, Leadership and Management, Research Methods, Service Improvement, Reflective Practice and Health Promotion.
Eva has carried out secondary research as part of her Masters exploring the experiences of young mothers who breastfeed.
As Course Leader for the PgD in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing and in her previous role as Course Leader for the Degree Apprenticeship, Eva works closely with Practice Partners and NHS Trusts to recruit and support nursing students. She has worked closely with the Apprenticeship team to maintain standards in relation to Apprenticeships including ESFA, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical skills and OFSTED.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
NMC registrant