Professor Ruth Strudwick
Head of Allied Health Professions and Professor in Diagnostic Radiography
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- Ruth Strudwick ORCID
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Ruth is Head of Allied Health Professions and Professor in Diagnostic Radiography in the School of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Suffolk.
Ruth is a Diagnostic Radiographer by background. She has been a Lecturer since 2003, and before that worked as Clinical Lecturer at The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust and as a Diagnostic Radiographer at The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust.
Ruth completed her professional doctorate in 2011 entitled 'An ethnographic study of the culture in a Diagnostic Imaging Department'. She continues to be research active and her funded research focuses on radiography professional practice and education, and on service evaluation.
Ruth teaches on several courses at the University of Suffolk and is interested in interprofessional working, clinical education, values-based practice, ethnographic research and work-based culture.
Research interests
Ruth is keen to supervise doctoral student projects in healthcare and radiography, particularly using qualitative methodologies and more specifically ethnographic studies. Her research interests include interprofessional working, clinical education and practice-based learning, values-based practice, ethnographic research and work-based culture.
Current projects
An exploration of the implementation and use of the guiding principles, of the College of Radiographers’ “Patient, Public and Practitioner Partnership within Imaging and Radiotherapy” (P4) document, within the four domains of radiography practice.
Research skills
Qualitative methodologies and methods; participant observation, interviews & focus groups.
Strudwick R M (2024) Patient Care in General Radiography in Chau S, Hyde E, Knapp K & Hayre C M (2024) Person-Centred Care in Radiology – International Perspectives on High Quality Care. CRC Press, London.
Harvey-Lloyd J M, Strudwick R M, Preston S (2024) Fundamentals of Radiographic Positioning and Anatomy. Wiley
Strudwick R M, Harvey-Lloyd J M, Bleiker J, Gooch J, Hancock A, Hyde E, Newton-Hughes A. (2023) Person-centred Care in Radiography: Skills for Providing Effective Patient Care. Wiley.
Naylor S, Booth S, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2022). Reflecting on the use of virtual focus groups for exploring the experiences of diagnostic radiographers during the COVID-19 pandemic. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online.
Strudwick R M & Hadwen H C (2022) Interviewing in a Digital Era in Hayre C M, Hackett P M W, Muller D & Scherer M (2022) Digital Methods in Qualitative Research
Strudwick R M & Hayre C M (2021) Ethnography in rehabilitation: Current methodological applications in Hayre C M, Hackett P M W & Muller D (2021) Rehabilitation in Practice: Ethnographic Perspectives. Springer.
Strudwick R, Pickering S & Holten J (2021) Creating a platform together for the voice of the service user. Inspiration for organising an event together with service users in Driessens K & Lyssens-Danneboom V (2021) Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy. Bristol University Press & Policy Press.
Strudwick R M (2021) The Ethnographic Radiographer. Palgrave Macmillan.
Strudwick R (2020) Fieldnotes in Ethnographic Research in Hackett P M W & Hayre C M (2020) Handbook of Ethnography in Healthcare Research. Routledge, London.
Strudwick R (2020) Ethnographic investigations of a diagnostic imaging department in Hackett P M W & Hayre C M (2020) Handbook of Ethnography in Healthcare Research. Routledge, London.
Strudwick R (2018) Blame Culture in the National Health Service (NHS), UK in Thomas W, Hujala A, Laulainen S & McMurray R (2018) The Management of Wicked Problems in Health and Social Care. Routledge, London.
Strudwick R (2018) Discussion and Collaboration in Diagnostic Radiography in Vine T, Clark J, Richards S & Wier D (2018) Ethnographic Research and Analysis: Anxiety, Identity and Self. Palgrave MacMillan, London.
Articles in peer-reviewed international journals:
Clerkin N, Ski C, Suleiman M, Gandomkar Z, Brennan P & Strudwick R (2024) An initial exploration of factors that may impact radiographer performance in reporting mammograms, Radiography, Vol 30, Issue 6, September 2024, P 1495-1500
Strudwick R M, Ramlaul A, Shuttleworth P & Fiyebor C (2024) Patient, public and practitioner partnership within imaging and radiotherapy: An exploration of the implementation and use of the college of radiographers guiding principles. Radiography, Vol 30, Issue 5, August 2024, P 1376-1384
Hyde E, Hardy M, Strudwick R M & Upton A (2024) The impact of a massive open online course on levels of awareness of patient centred care in UK-based diagnostic radiographers. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 22.
Preston S, Strudwick R M & Cox W A S (2024) Medical Image sharing: What do the public see when reviewing radiographs? A pilot study. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Coleman G, Hyde E & Strudwick R (2024) Exploring UK sonographers’ views on the use of professional supervision in clinical practice – Stage one findings of a mixed method study. Radiography, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2024, P 252-256.
Cushen-Brewster N, Malloy E, Black J, Strudwick R, Driscoll-Evans P, Zeppetella G & Bengtson K (2023) Evaluating a specialist palliative care service in a community setting. British Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol. 29, No. 10
Spencer S, Zelenyanszki C, Strudwick R M & Mizzi D (2023) Is it still a genuine occupational requirement to have a female only mammographic workforce in breast screening? Guest Editorial. Radiography, Volume 29, Issue 6, October 2023, Pages 1121-1122.
Clerkin N, Ski C F, Brennan P C & Strudwick R (2023) Radiographers filling the mammography screening gap, but where's the evidence? Radiography, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2023, p827-828, ISSN 1078-8174,
Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R M (2023) An Exploration of Values-based Radiography from the perspective of the service user. Radiography 2023
Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R M (2023) An Exploration of Values-based Radiography from the perspective of the service user. Radiography 2023, Vol 29, Supplement 1, S40-4
Clerkin N, Brennan P, Ski C & Strudwick R M (2023) Identification of factors associated with diagnostic performance variation in reporting of mammograms: a review. Radiography 2023, Vol 29, March 2023, Issue 2, p340-346
Booth S, Verrier W, Naylor S, Strudwick R, Harvey-Lloyd J. (2022) Interprofessional practice in the Intensive Treatment Unit during the Covid-19 pandemic; the reflections of an Advanced Practitioner Radiographer. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 2022, 100561, ISSN 2405-4526,
Gkiouleka A, Aquino M R J, Ojo-Aromokudu O, van Daalen K R, Kuhn I L, Turner-Moss E, Thomas K, Barnard R, Strudwick R, Ford J (2022) Allied health professionals: A promising ally in the work against health inequalities- A rapid review. Public Health in Practice, DOI: 10.1016/j.puhip.2022.100269
Naylor S, Booth S, Harvey-Lloyd J, Strudwick R (2021) Experiences of Diagnostic Radiographers through the Covid-19 pandemic. Radiography 2022 Vol 28, Issue 1, p187-192.
Strudwick R, Harris M, McAlinney H, Plant P, Shuttleworth P, Woodley J, Harris R & O’Regan T (2021) The College of Radiographers Research Strategy for the next five years. Radiography 2021 Supplement 1, S5-S8.
Strudwick R, Cushen-Brewster N, Driscoll-Evans P & Doolan C (2021) An evaluation of the experiences of academics and practice educators who supported radiography students working on the temporary HCPC register during the COVID-19 pandemic. Radiography 2021 Vol 27, Issue 4, p1179-1184.
Cushen-Brewster N, Strudwick R, Driscoll-Evans P & Doolan C (2021) An evaluation of the experiences of radiography students working on the temporary HCPC register during the COVID-19 pandemic. Radiography 2021 Vol 27, Issue 4, p1000-1005.
Malamateniou C & Strudwick R (2021) How Artificial Intelligence is changing radiography now and in for the future. Imaging and Oncology, 2021, p8-13.
Hadwen H, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R M (2020) From selection to registration, and beyond: Supporting the student diagnostic radiographer in becoming a compassionate professional. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, Vol 17, No 2, p78-90.
Strudwick R M (2020) Ethnographic research in healthcare – patients and service users as participants. Disability and Rehabilitation. ISSN 1464-5165
O’Regan T, Robinson L, Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R (2019) A review of visual ethnography: Radiography viewed through a different lens. Radiography, Vol. 25 (2019) S9-S13.
Hayre C M & Strudwick R M (2019) Ethnography for Radiographers: A Methodological Insight for Prospective Researchers. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences xx (2019) 1-7.
Strudwick R M, Harvey-Lloyd J M & Hadwen H C (2019) The Role of Interprofessional Learning in Developing Transformative Health & Social Work Professionals. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, Vol. 16, No.1, p96-108
Taylor K, Orlowski L & Strudwick R (2019) Perceptions and experiences that may influence consideration of breast imaging as a career option. Radiography, Vol. 25, May 2019, p129-135
Harvey-Lloyd J M & Strudwick R M (2018) Embracing diversity in radiography: The role of service users. Radiography, Vol. 24, Supplement 1, October 2018, S16-S19.
Fulford K W M, Newton-Hughes A, Strudwick R and Handa A (2018) Values-based Practice for Imaging and Therapy Professionals: An Introduction. Imaging and Oncology, 2018, p26-33.
Strudwick R M (2018) Tensions in ethnographic observation: overt or covert? Journal of Organizational Ethnography,
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2017) Interprofessional Interactions Study. The Journal of Practice Learning and Teaching, Vol 15, No 1, p81-93.
Strudwick R M & Taylor K (2017) An investigation into breast imaging as part of the undergraduate (UG) education of diagnostic radiography students in the UK. Radiography, Vol 23. Issue 2, May 2017, p141-146.
Cox, WAS, Strudwick, R., Bello, F. & Cavenagh, P. (2017) Broadening the perspective on radiography education. Journal of Social Science & Allied Health Professions. 1 (1), e1 - e5.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2016) An Innovative Interprofessional Assessment. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care, Vol. 4, No.2, December 2016, pp88-100.
Strudwick R (2016) Labelling patients. Radiography, Vol 22. Issue 1, February 2016, p50-55.
Strudwick R M & Day J (2015) Developing Effective Assignment Feedback for an Interprofessional Learning Module – An Action Research Project. Nurse Education Today 35 (2015) pp. 974-980
Strudwick R M & Day J (2014) Interprofessional Working in Diagnostic Radiography. Radiography, Vol 20. Issue 3, August 2014, p235-240.
Strudwick R M (2014) The Radiographic Image: A Cultural Artefact? Radiography, Vol 20. Issue 2, May 2014, p143-147.
Strudwick R M and Day J (2013) A Seminar Series in Practice for Interprofessional Learning (IPL) Health and Social Care Education 2(2), 48-52. DOI: 10.11120/hsce.2013.00030
Strudwick R and Harvey-Lloyd J (2013) Preparation for Practice through Service User involvement in the Diagnostic Radiography curriculum at University Campus Suffolk. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care. 1(2), 37-46. DOI: 10.11120/pblh.2013.00016
Boyle H & Strudwick R M (2010) Do lead rubber aprons pose an infection risk? Radiography, Vol 16. Issue 4, November 2010, p297-303.
Platt J M & Strudwick R M (2009) The application of anatomical side markers during abdominal and IVU examinations: An investigation of practice prior to and post-installation of computed radiography (CR). Radiography, Vol. 15, Issue 4, November 2009, p292-299.
Ruffles H & Strudwick R M (2009) A comparison of fluoroscopy time and dose are product (DAP) readings for outpatient barium enema examinations. Radiography, Vol. 15. Issue 1, February 2009, p49-57.
Spanton D & Strudwick R (2007) A comparison of patient dose levels between 3/4 vessel conventional angiography and computed tomography angiography during examinations to investigate subarachnoid haemorrhage. Radiography, Vol. 13, Issue 3, August 2007, p173-179.
Other articles/publications:
Strudwick R M (2022) The Ethnographic Radiographer. Insight, Edition 3, Spring 2022, p34-37.
St Barbe Oldham H U & Strudwick R M (2022) Adult foot radiographs. Insight, Edition 3, Spring 2022, p13-21.
Diggens I J & Strudwick R (2021) The Ottawa guidelines and ankle joints. Insight, Edition 2, Winter 2021, p22-27.
The Society of Radiographers (2021) Clinical Academic Radiographer: Guidance for the support of new and established roles. Society of Radiographers, London.
Ford J, Aquino M R J, Ojo-Aromokudu O, Van Daalen K, Gkiouleka A, Kuhn I, Turner-Moss E, Thomas K, Barnard R and Strudwick R (2021) Rapid Review of the Impact of Allied Health Professionals on Health Inequalities. March 2021, Commissioned by Public Health England, University of Cambridge. Available at:
Strudwick R & Hendry J (2021) Values-based practice – An evaluation of teaching sessions at two universities. Imaging & Therapy Practice, February 2021, p11-15.
Strudwick R (2020) My Dad and Values-Based Practice. Synergy News, February 2020 p12 &13.
Strudwick R (2019) ‘Compassion in Radiography’ MedRadBLogs, 23 October. Available at:
Strudwick R M (2019) Embedding values-based practice in day to day clinical practice. Synergy News, October 2019, p11
Strudwick R M (2019) Values-based practice in action. Synergy News, September 2019, p18
Strudwick R M (2019) Is there any value in values-based practice? Synergy News, August 2019, p18.
Strudwick R M (2019) A Guide to Values-Based Practice in Radiography. 14 May: Available at
The Association of Radiography Educators, The College of Radiographers and The Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice in Health and Social Care (2018). Values-based Practice in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography: A Training Template [online] [Date accessed]. Available from:
Robinson L, Goodwill G, Harris R, Johnson L, LePensee S, Mada M, Malamateniou C, Plant P, Probst H, Samuels L, Shuttleworth P, Strudwick R, Williamson M (2018) Patient Public and Practitioner Partnerships within Imaging and Radiotherapy: Guiding Principles. College of Radiographers, London.
Strudwick R, Everill C, Wood J & Madzara V (2018) Learning to Listen. Imaging & Therapy Practice, June 2018 p22-25.
Hyde E & Strudwick R (2017) How prepared are students for the workplace? Imaging & Therapy Practice, September 2017 p5-11.
Strudwick R & Newton-Hughes A (2017) Values-Based Practice in Radiography. Imaging & Therapy Practice, June 2017 p10-16.
Hadwen H, Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2016) Values-Based Radiography. Imaging & Therapy Practice, November 2016 p25-29.
Wojcik-Gammell D & Strudwick R (2016) Accurate Diagnosis Vital for Patients – A Retrospective Audit of the Image Quality of Chest Radiographs. Imaging & Therapy Practice, April 2016 p5-10.
Strudwick R (2016) Working With Radiation. Imaging & Therapy Practice, March 2016 p22-25.
Strudwick R (2015) ‘Radiographer decision-making’ MedRadBLogs, 22 October. Available at:
Strudwick R (2015) Creating a Professional Culture. Imaging & Therapy Practice, September 2015 p23-29.
Girling S & Strudwick R (2015) Seeing Red – Is there a need for a red-dot system in CT scanning? Imaging & Therapy Practice, June 2015 p4-7.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) On Reflection. Imaging & Therapy Practice, January 2015 p23-25.
Strudwick R (2014) Participant Observation: An Ethnographic Study of the Culture in a Diagnostic Imaging Department. SAGE Publications, Ltd., London, United Kingdom, viewed 3 September 2014, doi:
Guest R & Strudwick R (2014) Where’s the emergency? Imaging and Therapy Practice, June 2014 p 20-25.
Strudwick R (2014) Keeping it Professional. Imaging and Therapy Practice, April 2014 p 26-30.
Graca J, Strudwick R, & Harvey-Lloyd J (2014) Are you Autism Aware? – Information Leaflet for Radiographers. University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich.
Timmins J, Strudwick R, & Harvey-Lloyd J (2014) A guide for Radiographers: Let me talk to you about Asperger Syndrome – Information Leaflet for Radiographers. University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich.
Graca J, Timmins J, Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2013) Autism and Asperger syndrome – do you know what they are? Imaging and Therapy Practice, January 2014 p 22-25.
Lidgett T, Harvey-Lloyd J, Cobb C & Strudwick R (2013) A Case of Craniopharyngioma. Imaging and Therapy Practice, October 2013 p 9-14.
Harvey-Lloyd J and Strudwick R (2013) Weighing up the benefits. Imaging and Therapy Practice, August 2013 p10-14.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2013) It’s good to share – The importance of discussion and story-telling in diagnostic radiography. Imaging and Therapy Practice. March 2013, p27-31.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2012) Ready or not? How prepared are diagnostic radiography students for their first practice placement? A small scale study in one university. Synergy. December 2012, p25-30.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2012) Team working in diagnostic radiography – choreography or chaos? Synergy. July 2012, p19-24.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2012) Cracking up? The use of dark humour in the radiography department. Synergy. February 2012, p4-7.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2011) Is There a Blame Culture in Diagnostic Radiography? Synergy. December 2011, p4-7.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2011) Is Diagnostic Radiography a Caring Profession? Synergy, June 2011, p4-7.
Strudwick R, Mackay S & Hicks S (2011) An ethnographic study of the culture in a Diagnostic Imaging department (DID) – some personal reflections. Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, 2010. University of Salford, Research and Graduate College, p360-371
Lawrance W & Strudwick R (2010) To lift or not to lift. Synergy, July 2010, p20-22.
Strudwick R M (2010) An ethnographic study of the culture in a Diagnostic Imaging department (DID) – some initial findings. Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, 2009. University of Salford, Research and Graduate College, p364-373
Taylor K & Strudwick R (2010) X marks the spot. Synergy, March 2010, p16-18.
Strudwick R (2009) Looking from the inside out. Synergy, December 2009, p20-23.
Berry F & Strudwick R (2009) A case of: Pituitary Adenoma. Synergy, July 2009, p8-10.
Ducker J & Strudwick R (2009) Where are we now? A literature review comparing the accuracy of reporting Accident and Emergency radiographs between radiographers and radiologists. Synergy, April 2009, p28-31.
Strudwick R (2009) Focussing on User needs. Synergy, January 2009, p6.
Strudwick R M (2008) Why Ethnography is a suitable methodology to study the culture in a Diagnostic Imaging Department (DID). Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, 8th-9th May 2008, University of Salford, Research and Graduate College, p230-241.
Lawrance W & Strudwick R (2008) How to recognise Achondroplasia. Synergy, April 2008, p12-13.
Baker R & Strudwick R (2007) How to improve your gestures. Synergy, July 2007, p12-14.
Ruffles H & Strudwick R (2007) An insight into the Electrocardiogram. Synergy, May 2007, p24-27.
Palmer I & Strudwick R (2007) How to understand the Psychology of imaging children. Synergy, May 2007, p12-13.
Strudwick R (2007) Basic Life Support - Would you know what to do? Guest Editorial. Synergy, May 2007, p4-5.
International conferences:
Strudwick R M (2024) The use of focus groups in research. EFRS How to series for all researchers, Seminar 2, 9th October 2024.
Strudwick R M (2024) The use of interviews in research. EFRS How to series for all researchers, Seminar 2, 9th October 2024.
Strudwick R M (2024) Qualitative Research: An Overview. EFRS How to series for all researchers, Seminar 1, 18th September 2024.
Strudwick R (2024) Frontstage and backstage. The 17th Annual Ethnography Symposium, Cardiff Business School, 28th-30th August 2024.
Strudwick R (2024) Facilitation of a Service User Group. Oral presentation. International Congress of Health Workforce Education and Research, Barcelona, Spain 26th-27th June 2024.
Strudwick R, Ramlaul A, Shuttleworth P & Fiyebor C (2024) Patient, Public and Practitioner Partnership within imaging and radiotherapy – an exploration of the implementation and use of the College of Radiographers Guiding Principles. Oral presentation UKIO, Liverpool, 10th-12th June 2024.
Strudwick R (2024) Facilitation of a Service User Group. Poster presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 10th-12th June 2024.
Booth S & Strudwick R (2024) Exploring the experiences of radiographers required to shield during the Covid-19 pandemic. Poster presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 10th-12th June 2024.
Strudwick R (2023) Values-Based Practice in Radiography. International Imaging Congress, London Olympia, 31st October & 1st November 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Thinking like ‘an outsider’. The 16th Annual Ethnography Symposium, Vrije Universieit Amsterdam, 23rd-25th August 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Storytelling & discussion during imaging – the radiography educator as a storyteller. The Suffolk Storytelling Conference 2023, University of Suffolk, 10th-12th July 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Establishing a core integrated care curriculum. Oral presentation. AOME – INHWE Joint Conference 2023, Learning Together for Clinical Excellence, Cardiff, 27th-29th June 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Doing a Professional Doctorate. Invited speaker. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Values-based practice. Invited speaker. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Establishing a core integrated care curriculum. Oral presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Hyde E, Hardy M, Strudwick R, Upton A (2023) Evaluating the impact of a massive open online course designed to increase awareness of patient centred care in diagnostic radiographers. Oral presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) The ethnographic radiographer: using ethnography to study professional culture. Invited speaker. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Clerkin N, Ski C, Brennan P & Strudwick R (2023) Clinical background factors that impact the performance of radiography advanced practitioners. Poster presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Coleman G, Hyde E & Strudwick R (2023) Early findings of a scoping survey exploring UK sonographers views on professional supervision. Poster presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 5th-7th July 2023.
Dalen Seime N, Arhus G, Costa P, Huhtanen J, Jaronen M, Kamp C, Kraus B, Matthews K, Strudwick R, Tcacenco A, & Zarb F (2022) Evaluation of case simulations for radiographer education within FORCE project. ISRRT WC2022 Bangkok, Thailand, 15th-17th December 2022.
Matthews K, Arhus G, Costa P, Dalen Seime N, Huhtanen J, Jaronen M, Kamp C, Kraus B, Strudwick R, Tcacenco A, & Zarb F (2022) The FORCE project: a framework for online radiographer clinical education. ISRRT WC2022 Bangkok, Thailand, 15th-17th December 2022
Matthews K, Arhus G, Costa P, Dalen Seime N, Huhtanen J, Jaronen M, Kamp C, Kraus B, Strudwick R, Tcacenco A, & Zarb F (2022) Developing patient case simulations for teaching: experience and advice from the FORCE project. ISRRT WC2022 Bangkok, Thailand, 15th-17th December 2022
Clerkin N, Ski C.F., Brennan P.C. & Strudwick R (2022) Characteristics associated with high interpretation performance amongst Radiography Advanced Practitioners (RAPs) involved in breast cancer screening. BCI, Cambridge, 13th -14thSeptember 2022
Strudwick R M (2022) Tribalism in a Global Pandemic. 15th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 23rd-26th August 2022. University of Suffolk
Matthews K, Arhus G, Costa P, Dalen Seime N, Huhtanen J, Jaronen M, Kamp C, Kraus B, Strudwick R, Tcacenco A, & Zarb F (2022) The FORCE project: a framework for online radiographer clinical education. ECR, Vienna, 13th-17th July 2022.
Clerkin N, Ski C.F., Brennan P.C. & Strudwick R (2022) Characteristics associated with high interpretation performance amongst Radiography Advanced Practitioners (RAPs) involved in breast cancer screening. ECR, Vienna, 13th-17th July 2022.
Naylor S, Strudwick R, Harvey-Lloyd J & Booth S (2022) The experiences of diagnostic radiographers through the Covid-19 pandemic. ECR, Vienna, 13th-17th July 2022.
Strudwick R (2022) The College of Radiographers Research strategy 2021-2026. Invited speaker. UKIO, Liverpool, 4th-6th July 2022.
Strudwick R (2022) What does the CoRIPS funding scheme look for? Invited speaker. UKIO, Liverpool, 4th-6th July 2022.
Naylor S, Booth S, Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2022) Experiences of diagnostic radiographers through the Covid-19 pandemic. Poster presentation. UKIO, Liverpool, 4th-6th July 2022.
Harvey-Lloyd J and Strudwick R (2021) Underpinning the Journey of Advanced Clinical Practitioners. Leading The Way in Radiography Advanced Practice, 3rd Biennial Global Conference (Online), 18th-21st November 2021.
Strudwick R M, Hadwen H C & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2021) Interprofessional learning: sharing experiences of a family case study online. Practice Teaching & Learning Conference, Online, 13th-14th October 2021.
Strudwick R M (2021) Values-based Practice Training for Radiographers. 2021 ISRRT World Congress, Online, 20th-22nd August 2021.
Strudwick R M (2021) Ethnography, participant observation and interviews. The Doctorate Den. UKIO, Online, 21st June 2021.
Strudwick R M (2021) Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) issues for radiography: Application within radiography curricula. Invited speaker. European Congress of Radiology 2021, March 2021 On-demand online programme. European Society of Radiology, BS4.
Strudwick R M (2020) Values Based Practice and Radiographers. Invited speaker. Collaborating Centre for Values Based Practice Conference Autumn 2020. Online Conference.
Strudwick R M (2020) Interprofessional Working in Diagnostic Radiography. A Festival of Ethnography 2020, Replacing the 15th Annual Ethnography Symposium, Online, 26th-28th August 2020.
Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R (2020) Values-based radiography: what patients, radiographers, and managers value in their examinations and treatments. European Congress of Radiology 2020, 2020 Online. European Society of Radiology.
Strudwick R M (2019) Using all of the senses; an ethnography in a hospital setting. 14th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 28th–30th August 2019. University of Portsmouth
Strudwick R M (2019) Values-based practice in radiography – pie in the sky or practically possible? Critical Management Studies 11th International Conference – Precarious Presents, Open Futures, Open University, Milton Keynes 27th – 29th June 2019.
Strudwick R, Newton-Hughes A, Gibson S, Harris J, Gradwell M, Hyde E, Harvey-Lloyd J, O’Regan T & Hendry J (2019) Values-Based Practice (VBP) Training for Radiographers. European Congress of Radiology 2019 the Bigger Picture, 2019 Vienna. European Society of Radiology, B-0033.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2019) Assessment for the Interprofessional Learning (IPL) Working with Others Module. 2nd European Conference of Health Education & Research, Interprofessional Education. RCSI, Dublin, Ireland, 9th-10th January 2019.
Strudwick R M & Pickering S (2019) Effective interprofessional education; an innovative approach to delivering collaborative working. 2nd European Conference of Health Education & Research, Interprofessional Education. RCSI, Dublin, Ireland, 9th-10th January 2019.
Strudwick R M, Hadwen H C & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2019) The Role of Interprofessional Learning in Developing Transformative Health and Social Work Professionals. 2nd European Conference of Health Education & Research, Interprofessional Education. RCSI, Dublin, Ireland, 9th-10th January 2019.
Hadwen H C, Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2018) From selection to registration, and beyond; Supporting the student radiographer in becoming a compassionate professional – poster presentation. 12th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health & Social Work, St John’s College, Oxford, 10th-11th September 2018.
Strudwick R M & Pickering S (2018) “Can you hear me?” The voice of the service user – poster presentation. 12th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health & Social Work, St John’s College, Oxford, 10th-11th September 2018.
Strudwick R M, Harvey-Lloyd J M & Hadwen H C (2018) The Role of Interprofessional Learning in Developing Transformative Health and Social Work Professionals. 12th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health & Social Work, St John’s College, Oxford, 10th-11th September 2018.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2018) Incorporating Service User Feedback into Practice Placement Assessments for Student Radiographers. 12th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health & Social Work, St John’s College, Oxford, 10th-11th September 2018.
Strudwick R M (2018) Ethical approval in the NHS for Ethnographic Research, is this really possible? 13th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 28th–31st August 2018. Copenhagen Business School.
Strudwick R M & Pickering S (2018) Service user involvement in an interprofessional conference. Extended Service User Involvement European Book Project Conference, 22nd & 23rd March 2018. Center of Expertise Strengths Based Social Work, Karel de Grote University College, Antwerp.
O'Regan T, Robinson L, Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R (2018) An account of silence in radiography: a cultural quilt stitched together with the threads of social defence. European Congress of Radiology 2018 Diverse & United, 2018 Vienna. European Society of Radiology, S525.
Strudwick R & Pickering S (2017) ‘Can You Hear Me? The Voice of the Service User’. An International Field Education Symposium – Changing Places: Health, Social Work and Community Placements, Monash University, Prato, 15th September 2017.
Strudwick R M (2017) Effective inter-professional education; an innovative approach to delivering collaborative working. Critical Management Studies 10th International Conference – Time for Another Revolution, Edge Hill University Business School, Liverpool, 3rd – 5th July 2017.
Strudwick R M (2016) Tensions in Ethnographic Observation: Overt or Covert? 11th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 24th–26th August 2016. University of the West of England.
Strudwick R, Pickering S & Lewis K (2016) An Innovative Interprofessional Collaborative Working Day. International Practice Learning and Field Education Conference 2016 – Assessing with Confidence: Supporting Learning & Assessment in Practice 4th-6th April, Belfast.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2016) Interprofessional Case Study Assessment. International Practice Learning and Field Education Conference 2016 – Assessing with Confidence: Supporting Learning & Assessment in Practice 4th-6th April, Belfast.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2016) Simulation for Student Radiographers – Patient Positioning & Image Viewing. International Practice Learning and Field Education Conference 2016 – Assessing with Confidence: Supporting Learning & Assessment in Practice 4th-6th April, Belfast.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) Interprofessional Interactions Study – Poster Presentation. 26th International Networking for Education (NET) Conference, 8th – 10th September 2015. Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
Strudwick R, Harvey-Lloyd J & Cox W A S (2015) Evaluation of Evening Simulation Sessions – Poster Presentation. 26th International Networking for Education (NET) Conference, 8th – 10th September 2015. Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
Strudwick R & Black P (2015) Service User Feedback in Practice. 26th International Networking for Education (NET) Conference, 8th – 10th September 2015. Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
Strudwick R M (2015) Reflection on an Ethnographic Study in Diagnostic Radiography. 10th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 26th–28th August 2015. University of Liverpool.
Strudwick R M (2015) Blame culture in the NHS. Critical Management Studies 9th International Conference – Is there an alternative? Management after critique, School of Management, University of Leicester, 7th-10th July 2015.
Strudwick R M (2014) The use of Dark Humour in Diagnostic Radiography. 9th Annual Ethnography Symposium, 27th–29th August 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Harvey-Lloyd J, Rugg H, Day J & Strudwick R (2014). Health and social care students’ perceptions of professional identity and shared values – Poster presentation. 10th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work Glasgow, April 7th - 8th 2014. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014). Using theme boarding to explore student experiences of practice learning. 10th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work Glasgow, April 7th -8th 2014. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
National UK conferences:
Strudwick R & Walters S (2024) Facilitation of a Service User group. Poster presentation. CAHPR East Anglia One Day Conference, Saturday 11th May 2024, The Thomas Paine Hotel, Thetford.
Strudwick R & Walters S (2023) Facilitation of a Service User group. Poster presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice (NAEP) Conference Practice Education – Enabling Transition, Thursday 12th October 2023 at The Studio, Birmingham.
Underdown, E, Strudwick, R & Harvey-Lloyd, J (2023) Mammographers experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Symposium Mammographicum Conference, 21 June 2023, Glasgow
Naylor S, Booth S, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2022) Impact of Covid-19 on Radiographers. The Medical Imaging Convention & Oncology Convention, 15th and 16th November 2022, Online.
Naylor S, Booth S, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2022) Exploring diagnostic radiographers’ experiences through the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 recovery: the way forward for radiography practitioners, City, University of London, 17th June 2022.
Strudwick R M (2021) College of Radiographers Research Strategy 2021-2026. Getting into Research Seminar Series, online, 19th July 2021.
Strudwick R M (2021) Ethnography, Participant Observation and Interviews. The Doctorate Den, UKIO, Online 21st June, 2021.
Aquino, M. R. J. V., Ojo-Aromokudu, O., van Daalen, K., Gkiouleka, A., Kuhn., I., Turner-Moss, E., Thomas, K., Barnard, R., Strudwick, R., & Ford, J. (2021) A Rapid Review of the Impact of Allied Health Professionals on Health Inequalities. Public Health England Public Health Research and Science Conference 2021. Online, May 24-27, 2021
Strudwick R (2021) Values-based Practice in Radiography– Pie in the sky or practically possible? In Whose
placement is it anyway? Publication of peer-reviewed abstracts accepted for the 2020 NAEP Annual Conference. Available at:
Hadwen H, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2021) The challenges in preparing diagnostic radiography students to become compassionate professionals. In Whose placement is it anyway? Publication of peer-reviewed abstracts accepted for the 2020 NAEP Annual Conference. Available at:
Strudwick R, Tyrell K, Tocca A, Marshall J, Page A & Barber S (2019) Dementia Together: A Local Service Evaluation – poster presentation. Dying for Change – Evolution and Revolution in Palliative Care, Hospice UK Conference, ACC Liverpool, 20th-22nd November 2019.
Strudwick R M (2019) Values-based Practice in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography: A Training Template. Patient, Public and Practitioner Partnerships with Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy. 9th October 2019, Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel.
O’Regan, T., Robinson, L., Newton-Hughes, A. and Strudwick, R. Exploring the humanistic work of clinical imaging: Emotional labour and gifts of caring. UK Imaging & Oncology Congress 2019; P15; 10-12 June 2019; Liverpool. York; ROC Events Ltd; 2019. Available at :
Newton-Hughes A, & Strudwick R (2019) Values-Based Practice in Radiography – Poster Presentation. UK Imaging & Oncology Congress 2019; P15; 10-12 June 2019; Liverpool. York; ROC Events Ltd; 2019. P186.
Strudwick R M (2019) The Role of the Practice Educator in Radiography – poster presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2018, Adapting Practice Education for Learners of the Future. 10th May 2019. The Studio, Birmingham.
Strudwick R M (2019) Values-based Practice – invited speaker. 46th Annual Spring Meeting of the British Nuclear Medicine Society, 1st-3rd April 2019, The King’s Centre, Oxford
Hadwen H C & Strudwick R M (2018) Interprofessional Team Working and Planning for the Future – poster presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Hadwen H C, Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2018) From selection to registration, and beyond; Supporting the student radiographer in becoming a compassionate professional – poster presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Strudwick R M & Pickering S (2018) “Can you hear me?” The voice of the service user – poster presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Strudwick R & Newton-Hughes A (2018) Values in Radiography Education: Recruitment and Training. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Invited speaker.
Farrell-Savage R C & Strudwick R M (2018) HCPC Standards of Proficiency for Radiographers and the NHS Constitution: A Mapping Exercise. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Strudwick R, Newton-Hughes A, Gibson S, Harris J, Gradwell M, Hyde E, Harvey-Lloyd J, O’Regan T & Hendry J (2018) Values-Based Practice (VBP) Training for Radiographers. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2018) Incorporating Service User Feedback into Practice Placement Assessments for Student Radiographers. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2018, 30th November – 1st December 2018. The Queens Hotel, Leeds.
Strudwick R (2018) Storytelling in Staff Rooms – which radiographer can tell the best story? Storytelling Conference 2018, 10th & 11th July. University of Suffolk.
O’Regan T, Robinson L, Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R (2018) An account of silences in radiography: A cultural quilt stitched together with the threads of social defences – Poster Presentation. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2018. P226.
Strudwick R, Newton-Hughes A, Gibson S, Harris J, Gradwell M, Hyde E, Harvey-Lloyd J, O’Regan T & Hendry J (2018) Values-Based Practice (VBP) Training for Radiographers – Poster Presentation. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2018. P209.
Strudwick R M (2018) Values-based radiography. Compassionate Care in Radiography Study Day, 22nd May 2018, Jury’s Inn, Birmingham.
Strudwick R, Newton-Hughes A, Gibson S, Harris J, Gradwell M, Hyde E, Harvey-Lloyd J, O’Regan T & Hendry J (2018) Values-Based Practice (VBP) Training for Radiographers – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2018, Learning in Practice: a critical perspective. 20th April 2018. The Studio, Birmingham.
Strudwick R, Hadwen H, Butler J & Henry K (2018) Students Initiating Service Improvements – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2018, Learning in Practice: a critical perspective. 20th April 2018. The Studio, Birmingham.
Hyde E & Strudwick R (2017) An Investigation into First Year Diagnostic Radiography Students’ Preparedness to deal with Ill Service Users in two UK Universities. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2017.
Hyde E & Strudwick R (2017) An Investigation into First Year Diagnostic Radiography Students’ Preparedness to deal with Ill Service Users in two UK Universities – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2017, Making the case for Practice Education. 21st April 2017. The Studio, Birmingham.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2017) Incorporating Service User Feedback into Practice Placement Assessments for Student Radiographers. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2017, Making the case for Practice Education. 21st April 2017. The Studio, Birmingham.
Rabaha D P H, Hadwen H & Strudwick R (2016) The Radiographic Anatomical Phantom (RAP) as a Tool for Radiographic Positioning Training: The Perspective of Students – Poster Presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Hadwen H & Strudwick R (2016) Technology-enhanced Learning in Undergraduate Diagnostic Radiography Education: Dissect Pro Applications – Poster Presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2016) Innovative Assessment for the Interprofessional Learning (IPL) Working with Others Module – Poster Presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Harvey-Lloyd J M & Strudwick R M (2016) Enhancing the Student Experience with the use of ipads During Simulation Sessions – Poster Presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Strudwick R & Taylor K (2016) An Investigation into Breast Imaging as part of the Undergraduate (UG) Education of Diagnostic Radiography Students in the UK – Poster Presentation. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Hyde E & Strudwick R (2016) An Investigation into First Year Diagnostic Radiography Students’ Preparedness to Deal with Ill People in Two UK Universities. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2016, 25th-26th November 2016. Birmingham Conference & Events Centre, Holiday Inn Birmingham.
Taylor K & Strudwick R (2016) Do they know what we do? Mammography as part of undergraduate radiography training and its potential for influencing the future workforce. Symposium Mammographicum, 3rd-5th July 2016. Liverpool.
Harvey-Lloyd J M & Strudwick R M (2016) Enhancing the Student Experience with the use of ipads During Simulation Sessions. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2016: P266.
Strudwick R M & Black P (2016) Service User Feedback in Practice. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2016: P264.
Strudwick R M & Taylor K (2016) An Investigation into Breast Imaging as part of the Undergraduate (UG) Education of Diagnostic Radiography Students in the UK. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2016: P255.
Strudwick R M (2016) Role Modelling in Diagnostic Radiography. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2016: P250.
Strudwick R M & Harvey-Lloyd J M (2016) Interprofessional Learning (IPL) Working With Others Module Assessment. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2016: P242.
Strudwick R (2016) Role modelling in Diagnostic Radiography – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2016, Identity and Practice: Responses to future needs. 15th April 2016. Coventry University.
Strudwick R, Harvey-Lloyd J & Hadwen H (2016) The role of interprofessional learning in developing transformative health professionals – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2016, Identity and Practice: Responses to future needs. 15th April 2016. Coventry University.
Hadwen H, Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2016) From selection to registration, and beyond: Supporting the student diagnostic radiographer in becoming a compassionate professional – Poster Presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2016, Identity and Practice: Responses to future needs. 15th April 2016. Coventry University.
Harvey-Lloyd J M & Strudwick R M (2015) Utilising peer assessment to prepare student radiographers for teaching and assessing roles in practice. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2015.
Jones V & Strudwick R (2015) A systematic literature review of the role of imaging in the diagnosis of aseptic loosening of knee prostheses. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2015.
Harvey-Lloyd J M & Strudwick R M (2015) Enhancing reflective practice in student radiographers with the use of theme boards. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2015: P165.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) Interprofessional Interactions study. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2015, Preparing Students for Safe, Effective and Person-Centred Practice. 27th March 2015. Coventry University.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) Developing patient-centred skills in radiography. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2015, Preparing Students for Safe, Effective and Person-Centred Practice. 27th March 2015. Coventry University.
Strudwick R & Black P (2014) Service user feedback to students in practice. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2014, 21st-22nd November 2014. Thistle Bristol City Centre, The Grand.
Strudwick R (2014) Conducting observational studies. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2014, 21st-22nd November 2014. Thistle Bristol City Centre, The Grand.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) ‘Preparation for practice’ – applying for a fictitious job. Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research 2014, 21st-22nd November 2014. Thistle Bristol City Centre, The Grand.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd JM (2014). Using service users in the diagnostic radiography curriculum. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2014: e-085.
Harvey-Lloyd JM, Rugg H, Day J & Strudwick R (2014). Reflections on professional identity and shared values amongst health and social care students. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2014: e-084.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014). Feasibility study of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Workshops in Practice. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2014: e-083.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2014) A pilot study of service user feedback to student radiographers in practice – Poster presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2014, Calm waters and stormy seas. 11th April 2014. Coventry University.
Harvey-Lloyd J, Rugg H, Day J & Strudwick R (2014) Professional identity and shared values across health and social care students – Poster presentation. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2014, Calm waters and stormy seas. 11th April 2014. Coventry University.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) Using theme boarding to explore student experiences of practice learning. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2014, Calm waters and stormy seas. 11th April 2014. Coventry University.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) Utilising peer assessment to prepare student radiographers for teaching and assessing roles in practice. The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2014, Calm waters and stormy seas. 11th April 2014. Coventry University.
Other conferences:
Strudwick R M (2024) #Hello my name is Ruth – Radiographer to Professor. SoR Eastern Region Study Day, University of Suffolk, 14th September 2024.
Strudwick R M (2024) Values based practice in education – Making a difference. Practice Educator Study Day, East of England Imaging Academy, Norwich, 13th August 2024.
Strudwick R M (2024) Making a difference. Coaching study day two, East of England Imaging Academy, Norwich, 19th July 2024.
Underdown, E. Strudwick, R & Harvey-Lloyd (2024) Preliminary Findings from Phase one interviews on mammographers’ experiences during Covid-19 - Poster presentation. University of Suffolk Research Colloquium, 3rd July 2024.
Strudwick R (2024) Making a difference – inaugural professorial lecture. University of Suffolk, 1st February 2024.
Strudwick R (2023) Preparing your HCPC Portfolio – All you need to know. SoR Eastern Region Study Day, West Suffolk Hospital, 11th November 2023.
Strudwick R (2023) Establishing a Core Integrated Care Curriculum. Poster Presentation. Together for Transformation: Research for Changing World, University of Suffolk, 24th May 2023
Strudwick R (2022) The Debenham Project: Evaluating the Provision, Availability, Cost, and Quality of Health and Social Care for Older People in a Rural Community. Poster Presentation. Research & Knowledge Exchange Conference, University of Suffolk, 30th June 2022.
Strudwick R (2020) Values Based Practice in Radiography – two seminars. The Churchill Hospital, Oxford. 13th January 2020,
Strudwick R (2019) Values Based Practice. Society of Radiographers, Eastern Region AGM and Study Day, 9th November 2019, West Suffolk Hospital.
Rabaha D P H, Hadwen H & Strudwick R (2019) The Radiographic Anatomical Phantom (RAP) as a Tool for Radiographic Positioning Training: The Perspective of Students – Poster Presentation. Council for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR) East Anglia One Day Conference 2019, 18 May. Keystone Innovation Centre, Thetford.
Strudwick R M (2018) Interprofessional Learning: What is it all about? Celebration of Learning Day, The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, 2nd May 2018.
Newton-Hughes A & Strudwick R (2017) An Exploration of Values Based Radiography from the perspective of the service user, radiographer and radiology manager. CAHPR East Anglia meeting, 30th November 2017.
Strudwick R M (2017) Interprofessional Learning in Practice. Nurse Mentor & Practice Educator – Development Event, 18th September 2017.
Clements H, Vince C, Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2017) Developing Resilience and Self-Efficacy – Poster presentation. UoS Learning & Teaching Day. 15th May 2017.
Strudwick R (2017) Role Modelling in Diagnostic Radiography – Poster presentation. UoS Learning & Teaching Day. 15th May 2017.
Strudwick R M & Taylor K (2016) Addenbrooke’s and UCS working in collaboration on an externally funded project. UCS Research & Scholarly Activity Day: Research & Community Engagement, 22nd June 2016.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2016) Enhancing the Student Experience with the use of ipads During Simulation Sessions – Poster Presentation. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 5th May 2016. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R, Pickering S & Lewis K (2016) Effective Interprofessional Education; An Innovative Approach to Delivering Collaborative Working – Poster Presentation. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 5th May 2016. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2016) IPL Working With Others. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 5th May 2016. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) Interprofessional Learning (IPL) Working With Others Module Assessment – Poster Presentation. UCS Learning & Teaching 16th December Day 2015. University Campus Suffolk.
Hughes H, Lewis K, Pickering S & Strudwick R (2015) Effective Interprofessional Education; an innovative approach to delivering collaborative working – Poster Presentation. UCS Learning & Teaching Day 16th December 2015. University Campus Suffolk.
Hadwen H, Strudwick R, Cox W & Heatley D (2015) Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Undergraduate Diagnostic Radiography Education: Disect Pro Applications – Poster Presentation. UCS Learning & Teaching Day 16th December 2015. University Campus Suffolk.
Strudwick R (2015) Role Modelling in Diagnostic Radiography – Poster presentation. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 7th May 2015. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2015) Evaluation of Evening Simulation Sessions. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 7th May 2015. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R & Harvey-Lloyd J (2014) Interprofessional Interactions Study – Poster presentation. University Campus Suffolk Annual Research Colloquium, 25th June 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) Using theme boarding to explore student experiences of practice learning. University Campus Suffolk Annual Research Colloquium, 25th June 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Strudwick R (2014) Follow-up to Professional Doctorate Study. University Campus Suffolk Annual Research Colloquium, 25th June 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) Utilising Peer Assessment to Prepare Radiographers for Teaching and Assessing Role. UCS Teaching and Learning Day. 13th June 2014. University Campus Suffolk.
Harvey-Lloyd J & Strudwick R (2014) Utilising peer assessment in radiography. UEA Teaching and Learning Day. 8th May 2014. University of East Anglia.
Strudwick R (2014) Characterising the role of the Advanced Practice Diagnostic Radiographer: Doctorate Findings. Eastern Region SoR Clinical Reporting SIG meeting. 15th April 2014. The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
Ruth's other commitments including being the chair of the Association of Radiography Educators, chair of the Approval & Accreditation Board of the College of Radiographers and an accredited assessor for the College of Radiographers, Chair of the CoRIPS grant funding awards panel, an External Examiner for The University of Hertfordshire, Chair of the East Anglia Regional CAHPR Hub, and reviewer for six international journals; ‘Disability & Rehabilitation’, ‘Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning’, 'Journal of Organisational Ethnography', ‘Journal of Social Science & Allied Health Professions’, ‘British Journal of Radiology’ and ‘Radiography’.
Principal Fellow Advanced HE.
Fellow of the College of Radiographers (CoR).
Member of Society of Radiographers (SoR).
Registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC).