Dr Alina Rzepnikowska Phillips
Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Politics
- a.rzepnikowskaphillips@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Alina Rzepnikowska Phillips ORCID
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Alina is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Politics and Course Leader for Sociology. Alina’s teaching and research interests focus on ethnicity, migration, gender, conviviality, racism and xenophobia. Alina was awarded with PhD at The University of Manchester in 2016. Her teaching and research interests focus on race, ethnicity, migration, racism and xenophobia, conviviality and gender. Alina has conducted cross-national research on everyday lived experiences of Polish migrant women in multicultural cities; conviviality, citizenship and belonging in the context of Brexit; labour exploitation, human trafficking, modern slavery and domestic violence. Alina's recent book, based on her doctoral and postdoctoral research, is titled Convivial Cultures in Multicultural Cities: Polish Migrant Women in Manchester and Barcelona, as part of the Studies in Migration and Diaspora series.
Alina is an experienced lecturer who has previously taught at the University of Central Lancashire, University College London and University of Manchester at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has taught on a range of modules and courses within the social sciences and beyond at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These included Racism and Ethnicity in the UK, Multicultural Britain, Migration and Health, Contemporary Social Thought, Sociology of Personal Life, Research Design, Creative Methods and Sociology PhD Workshops.
Alina is also an experienced supervisor for both Undergraduate and Master’s dissertations. She has supported and mentored PhD students during their research journey. She strongly believes that effective supervision and guidance tailored to the students’ needs play a vital role in enabling them to fulfil their potential and become independent researchers.
Her guiding principles in teaching and learning are inclusivity, participation, student-centred and research-led approaches.
Alina currently teaches Migration and Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality, Policy and Politics and Understanding Research.
Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9707-0587 for full listing)
Authored Books
Rzepnikowska, A. (2020) Convivial Cultures in Multicultural Cities. London: Routledge.
Rzepnikowska, A. (2018) ‘Racism and xenophobia experienced by Polish migrants in the UK before and after Brexit vote’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45 (1): 61-77
Rzepnikowska, A. (2018) ‘Polish Migrant Women’s Narratives about Language, Raced and Gendered difference in Barcelona’, Gender, Place and Culture (Special issue: Gendered, Spatial and Temporal Approaches to Polish intra-EU Migration), 25 (6): 850-865.
Rzepnikowska, A. (2017) ‘Conviviality in the workplace: the case of Polish migrant women in Manchester and Barcelona’, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 6 (2): 51-68.
Rzepnikowska, A. (2016) ‘Convivial Cultures in Manchester and Barcelona: Exploring the Narratives of Polish Migrant Women’, Migration Studies - Polish Diaspora Review, 42 (2): 119–134.
Rzepnikowska, A. (2016) ‘Imagining and Encountering the Other in Manchester and Barcelona: The Narratives of Polish Migrant Women’, Journal of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (Special Issue: Postsocialist Mobilities), 15: 55-108.
Book Chapters
Rzepnikowska, A. (2019) ‘Shifting Racialised Positioning Migrant Women in Manchester and Barcelona’, in P. Essed. K. Farkuharson, K. Pillay and E. White (eds.) Relating World of Racism: Dehumanisation, Belonging and the Normativity of European Whiteness. London: Palgrave, 191-219.
Research Reports
Rzepnikowska, A. and Griffiths, T. (2018) Exploitation, Discrimination and Abuse of European Migrants in Greater Manchester. Research Project Report.
Conference and Workshop Activities
Recent conference papers
‘Conviviality under threat? The case of Polish migrants in Manchester in the context of Brexit’, BSA Annual Conference: Challenging Social Hierarchies and Inequalities, 2019
‘Migrant Experiences of Conviviality in the Context of Brexit’, Mobility and Immobility: Brexit and Beyond, IMISCOE Spring Conference, Sheffield, 2019
‘Belonging in the times of Brexit: the case of Polish migrants in Manchester’, CoDE Workshop: Resurgences of national citizenship in Europe? Brexit and other restrictions, University of Manchester, 2018
‘Convivial encounters of Polish migrant women in super-diverse neighbourhoods of Manchester’, IMISCOE Annual Conference, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, 2018
‘Let’s do something together’: migrant community organisations and associations in Manchester and Barcelona, BSA Annual Conference, Newcastle, 2018
‘Conviviality before and after Brexit: the case of Polish migrants in the UK’, World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change, Migration Lab, University of Manchester, 2017
‘Conviviality, whiteness and racism’, Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE): Documenting, Understanding and Addressing Ethnic Inequalities, University of Manchester, 2017
‘Convivial practices of Polish migrant women in religious spaces and beyond in Manchester and Barcelona’, Polish Migration Conference, UCL, 2017
‘Racism and xenophobia experienced by Polish migrants in the UK before and after the EU referendum’, British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 2017
School of Social Sciences Research Grants and Impact Fund, University of Manchester 2018/19 – successful application for Impact and Engagement event (£2000), 2019
Collaborative Innovation Grant of £1,700 for Innovations in Online Research workshop, 2019
Research grant of £5,000 from Near Neighbours Fund with Harpurhey Neighbourhood Project in Manchester for a community engagement project Harpurhey Together seeking to bring migrants and other ethnic minority groups together, 2018
Research grant of £5,000 from Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office and Home Office for research project on modern slavery, labour exploitation and domestic violence in Greater Manchester, 2015-2017
During her fieldwork in Barcelona in 2012, Alina actively engaged with various community organisations including Casa Eslava and Associació Cultural Catalano Polonesa.
Alina is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the British Sociological Association.