Partner Universitie

 Please note that exchange partners listed here are subject to change and cannot be guaranteed.

Name City Country Subject Area Staff  Student
University of Alicante Alicante Spain Business/Tourism Y Y
Artois University Arras France Business/History Y Y
National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece Architecture Y N
Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I) of Athens Athens Greece Radiography Y Y
Aydin University Istanbul Turkey Radiotherapy Y N
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Bergen Norway Radiotherapy Y Y
Protestant University of Applied Sciences Bochum Germany Nursing / Welfare Y N
Universita di Bologna - Rimini Campus Bologna / Rimini Italy



Odisee Vzw Brussels Belgium Radiotherapy Y Y
University of Bucharest Bucharest Romania SEND/Sociology Y Y
University of Chieti Pescara Chieti/Pescara Italy Sport & Exercise Science Y Y -PhD
Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra Coimbra Portugal Radiotherapy Y Y
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen Denmark Architecture, Art & Design Y N
Delft University of Technology Delft The Netherlands Architecture, Art & Design Y N
UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science Dublin Ireland Radiotherapy Y Y
University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Finland Business Y N
Edith Cowan University Perth Western Australia Many programmes- contact Study Abroad Team N Y
EUSES - Escola Universitária de la Salut i de l'Esport Girona Spain Sports Science Y Y
Fontys University of Applied Science Eindhoven Netherlands Radiography Y Y
University of Flensburg Flensburg Germany Business Y Y
University of Ghana Accra Ghana Health Y N
University of Granada Granada Spain Business / Industrial Relations Y Y
University of Granada/Melilla Melilla Spain Industrial Relations Y Y
HUMAK University of Applied Sciences Helsinki Finland Criminology/Youth Studies Y Y
Helsinki University Helsinki Finland Social Science Y N
InHolland University Haarlem Netherlands Business/ Sport Management/ Radiography Y Y
Jönköping University Jönköping Sweden Radiography Y Y
Kristiania University College Oslo Norway Sport and Exercise Psychology Y N
Universite' Catholique de Lille - IfSante Lille France Mental Health Nursing Y N
University of Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia Radiography Y Y
Lulea University of Technology Lulea Sweden Education Y N
Lund University Lund Sweden Radiography Y Y
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Lisbon Portugal Architecture Y N
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Madrid Spain Social Work Y Y
University of Malta Msida Malta Radiography Y Y
University of Malta  Msida Malta History/English Y Y
University of Malta Msida Malta Educational Psychology Y N
University of Navarra Navarra Spain Nutrition and Human Health Y Y
Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg Germany Social Work Y N
University of New Brunswick Fredericton & Saint John Canada Art, Design& Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Education/Business / Sports Science Y Y
European University Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus Sports Science Y N
University College Lillebealt Odense Denmark Radiography Y Y
University of Oslo Oslo Norway Social Work Y Y
Pablo de Olavide University Seville Spain Business Y Y
University of Palermo Palermo Italy Biomedical Science / Regenerative Medicine Y Y
Politecnico do Porto Porto Portugal Radiography Y Y
Saxion University of Applied Science Enschede Netherlands Social Work Y Y
Tampere University of Applied Sciences Tampere Finland Radiography Y Y
University of Thessaly Volos Greece Sports Science Y N
Democritus University of Thrace Thrace Greece Sports Science Y N
Turku University of Applied Sciences Turku Finland Radiography Y Y
University of Verona Verona Italy Sociology Y N
University of Applied Sciences -FH Campus Wien Vienna Austria Radiography Y Y
Vytautas Magnus University Kaunus Lithuania Photography Y Y