Dr Laura Reeves
Research Associate in Leadership Academy
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338690
- l.reeves@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Technology, Business and Arts
- Laura Reeves ORCID
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Laura has successfully completed her PhD in Management Studies at The Open University (2021). Since Laura has been successful in securing a prestigious transition 1 Early Career grant awarded by The British Academy of Management (2023-2024) where she is leading a qualitative project which explores the impact agile working arrangements have on managerial belonging. She is also active in pursuing further funding to continue to develop her interest around post-menopausal careers.
Laura continues her interest in researching precarious events with her PhD concentrating on impacts of Brexit within the UK on migrant work. She has also developed a keen interest in understanding how organisations can practice effective inclusivity for marginalised and/or under-represented groups through exploring lived experienced of different groups of workers and considering alternative leadership approaches. Her areas of research include leadership and management studies, well-being, women’s health and careers, and the impact of identity and belonging, issues of dialectics and wicked problems at work.
- Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP) – Teaching
- Fellowship (FHEA) awarded by Advance HE (2023)
- PhD Management Studies (2021)
- LLM Law (2015); BA Hons Business and Law (2014)
- Identity and belonging in organisational contexts
- Alternative forms of leadership
- Paradox, dialectics and wicked problems
- Qualitative and creative methods/methodologies
- Reeves, L. and Bristow, A. (2024) Political organisational silence and ethics of care: EU migrant restaurant workers in Brexit Britain. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05772-2
- Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in press) Managerial belonging: The positive side of hybrid work. The HR Director.
- Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in press) Post-menopausal careers: What happens next? The HR Director.
- Reeves, L. and Bell, E. (in progress) Bubbles of belonging at work: Redrawing boundaries of inclusion and exclusion in UK restaurants during Brexit. Target journal: Work, Employment and Society.
- Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in progress) Conducting realist interviews: Conceptualising qualitative interviews techniques as both/and. Target journal: International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
- Reeves, L., Rigg, C. and Thuku, D. (in progress) Collectively leading: The imbrication of human and material agency. Target journal: Leadership.