Dr Ella Malloy
Research Associate - Health and Wellbeing
- e.malloy@uos.ac.uk
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- Ella Malloy ORCID
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Ella is a Research Associate (Health and Wellbeing) working on several research projects within the School of Health and Sports Sciences.
Dr Ella Malloy is an early-career sports science researcher; specifically, she is interested in how the leadership of coaches influences athletes’ psychological development and morality. Her broader interests and expertise are in the areas of sports and exercise science and sport psychology.
Dr Malloy holds a Masters of Research and Doctor of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Birmingham, through a scholarship from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Dr Ella Malloy has taught several areas within sport and exercise science including:
- Psychological Foundations
- Testing in Sports Science
- Exercise Physiology
- Research Methods
- Sport Psychophysiology
- Anatomy
Research interests
Research interests lie in the areas of sport and exercise science, specifically sport psychology.
Previous research projects have looked at the impact of authentic leadership, demonstrated by coaches, on athletes’ psychological development and morality.
Current projects
Currently working on several projects within the area of health and wellbeing as part of the School of Health and Sport Sciences. Specifically, performing evaluations of a number of health and wellbeing projects using mixed methods designs in collaboration with integrative care systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Research skills
Dr Ella Malloy has experience with collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data, mixed-method designs, several data analysis methods including multilevel modelling
SEM, linear and logistic regression, correlations, t-tests, ANOVA, and MANOVA, as well as an understanding of several data analysis software including SPSS, AMOS, Gretl, MPLUS, and R.
- Malloy, E., & Kavussanu, M. (2021). A comparison of authentic and transformational leadership in sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12769
- Malloy, E., & Kavussanu, M. (2021). The effects of an authentic coaching intervention on athlete outcomes: A randomised Pilot Trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.101957
- Malloy, E., & Kavussanu, M. (in revision). The role of authentic leadership on athlete outcomes over time. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology.
- Malloy, E., Kavussanu, M., & Mackman, T. (in revision). The effects of authentic leadership on athletes’ trust, achievement, and moral variables. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology.
- Malloy, E., Kavussanu, M., & Yukhymenko, M. (in review). Investigating the relationship between authentic leadership and athlete outcomes in sport. International Journal of Sport Science
Conference presentations
- Malloy, E. & Kavussanu, M. (2019). “Authentic leadership in sport”. Invited to present in a symposium on sports and exercise. Economic & Social Research Council, Doctoral Training Programme Conference, University of Birmingham.
- Malloy, E. & Kavussanu, M. (2019). “Investigating the role of authentic leadership on team sport athletes”. Invited to present in a symposium on leadership. Fédération Européenne de Psychologie des Sports et des Activités Corporelles (FEPSAC) 15th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Munster.
- Malloy, E. & Kavussanu, M. (2017). “Investigating the relationship between authentic leadership and follower outcomes in sport: A cross-sectional study”. Poster presentation. International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) World Congress, Sevilla.
- Bandura, C. T., Malloy, E. R., Kavussanu, M (2016). “Authentic leadership in sport: Effects on athletes' satisfaction, commitment and enjoyment and the mediating role of autonomy and trust”. North American Society for Psychology Sport and Physical Activity (NASPA) conference, Montreal.