Concordat for Open Research Data
The Concordat for open research data has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group consisting of researchers, universities, funders and publishers, the British Library and Universities UK.
The intention of this Concordat is to establish sound principles which respect the needs of all parties. It is not the intention to mandate, codify or require specific activities, but to establish a set of expectations of good practice with the intention of increasing access to research data as the desired position for research for the public benefit.
– Concordat on Open Research Data, introduction
This concordat sets out ten principles with which all those engaged with research should be able to work. The principles in the Concordat recognise that research data should, wherever possible, be made openly available for use by others in a manner consistent with relevant legal, ethical, disciplinary and regulatory frameworks and norms, and with due regard to the costs involved.
By committing to the principles outlined in this concordat, University of Suffolk:
- is acting in an appropriate manner concerning research data,
- conforms to all ethical, legal and professional obligations relevant to their work,
- nurtures a research environment that makes data open wherever practical and affordable,
- uses transparent, robust and fair processes to make decisions concerning data openness,
- has appropriate mechanisms in place to provide assurances as to the integrity of their research data, and
- recognises the importance of data citation and credit acknowledgement