Your Students' Union
Hello from the Students’ Union! We are looking forward to welcoming you and hope you will enjoy your student experience here.
You are automatically a member of the Students’ Union, and we are here to be your voice at the University, supporting you and representing you and your needs. We also provide the fun on campus!
The Students’ Union is a student-led organisation, with two SU Presidents who are full time officers elected by our student population each year. We also have part time officers, representing different parts of the University and different groups of students.
We run several services, from social events to sports teams and socials, and from student advice services to a Students’ Union shop.
Our officers are supported by a team of staff – including some part time student staff - who help facilitate our services and student representation.
You can spot Students’ Union staff and officers by our bright orange lanyards, and you’ll find us in the SU Social Space which is under the library.
Remember, if you think there’s something we should be doing, let us know! We want you to get involved with the Students’ Union, and you can get in touch with us if you need to know anything about being a student at the University of Suffolk. You can email us or follow us on our social media.
And keep a look out on our website for this year’s Freshers information!